Saturday, May 29, 2010

Just Do It!

I threw caution to the winds, donned my hat and rain coat, and took Holly for our much-needed long walk to Fairmont and back. Leaving the house at 8:30, with the rain coming down in sheets, nearly continuous thunder, and frequent flashes of lightning, we were soaked before we even reached the Harte Trail.  The path was mostly under water but, when your shoes are already wet, that hardly mattered.  It was so good to get out, even if the weather was 'dramatic', to say the least.  Of course, when I got home about an hour later, the rain had stopped.

That gave me the opportunity to do some flower photography.  The shot I most wanted to make was of the first of the lady slippers in bloom.  I'll process my photos later and maybe post one or two here.  Most of my flower shots are posted to one of my Facebook photo albums.

Time now for some breakfast, a fresh cup of coffee and some toast and hummus ...

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