Saturday, December 7, 2019

Merry Christmas to Family and Friends

Christmas is fast approaching with opportunities to see family and friends again. I hope I find all of them hale and hearty. I also hope I get my annual holiday letter written and emailed out while it's still timely. All I can do is try . . .

The Whole Earth Catalog is now History

The last Whole Earth Catalog was published in 2018. Like all the earlier editions, it was packed with gems of ideas and pointers on the tools one could use in getting back to nature. I remember having a early edition. It was a big book.

It was about an inch thick and the pages measured 11×14 inches. I don't remember what happened  to it. I guess, at some point, I recycled it. The best thing about it was that it made me think about the environment.

Other books that made us think about the environment were Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, Walden by David Thoreau, and Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat (who grew up in Richmond Hill, Ontario!).

With climate change now apparent, we are seeing a host of new invasive species (e.g., the emerald ash borer) challenging our Canadian environment. Hardly a day goes by that there are not reminders  that our planet is in peril from climate change.