Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Creative Urge

Usually, about this time of year, my creative juices start to flow.  I'm not an artist or anything like that.  I just like to make things.  Sometimes, photography satisfies my creative urges; other times, woodworking does the trick.  Lately, I've started dabbling again with calligraphy-related projects, having just finished my grand-daughters first birthday card from me.  Nothing fancy: just a little artwork coupled with some hand-written notes, from her Papa.

Now, that my appetite has been whetted, so to speak, I want to set up a small corner of the basement for doing some more serious calligraphy over the fall and winter months.  Over the years that I've been interested in calligraphy and taken various workshops, I've gathered quite a few different inks, pens, papers, books, and other odds and ends.  Now, I want to arrange everything I've accumulated into a practical workspace that I can use.  I was looking at some photos of a friends' studio and will likely do something similar.

Of course, her work table is used almost every day and tends to look a little cluttered and confusing.  I tease her about her seeming lack of organization every time I see her studio but she knows exactly where every item is and she creates the most beautiful calligraphy I've ever seen out of the apparent chaos of her studio.  She's much in demand as an instructor so she must be doing something right.

Who knows?  If all goes according to plan, you may receive some calligraphic in the mail from me in the near future.  Time will tell ...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Last Scent of Summer

I really enjoyed looking at this cluster of Michaelmas daisies, off the end of my deck, all this week.

The bees love them, too.  They have so few sources of honey at this time of the year.                             

Each day, a few more daisies appear.  I have so few other flowers blooming in my yard right now ... these daisies, a few clematis blooms, the odd lily and geranium, and some non-descript other plants.

However, some of the leaves, especially those of the apple and cherry trees and, of course, the Virginia creeper, are gorgeous right now, too.  It seems a bit strange now, after seeing so many different perennials here every day over the summer months, to see so few now.  But, I'm enjoying each day as it comes.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

When Autumn Leaves Start to Fall

About this time of year, when the rakes and the yard bags come out of hiding from the garage or garden shed and the slow-growing grass gets swept of it's carpet of yellow and gold leaves, many people start thinking about their winter getaways or planned adventures.  Will it be on a beach in Mexico or on some Carribean island?  Will it be a cruise through the Panama Canal?  Maybe, a week or two on some warm Greek Island?  Or, perhaps, a skiing or snow-boarding holiday in the mountains somewhere?  Or, maybe, some pampering at a luxury spa, coupled with some educational or therapeutic activity?  Perhaps, an eco-adventure?

For me, winter is a time for rest, for thinking, for writing, and for playing with some of my favorite hobbies.  It's also a time to get together with friends and family, to enjoy a meal together, to just have fun in each others company.  Sure, come January, when winter shows its coldest face, my thoughts will turn to travelling to some greener, warmer place.  I may also decide to escape Manitoba's winter for a week or so.  So far, I have no firm plans but I do often think of a short trip to Vancouver and/or Victoria in late February, just when the first flowers are blooming in the flower beds out there.  Or, maybe in early March, when the blossoms first appear on some of the fruit trees out there.  I have done that many, many times, over the years, and more often than not, I've been blessed by warm, sunny, spring weather.  Time will tell what 2011 will bring.

Meanwhile, there are those leaves to rake, those shrubs to prune, and those sensitive potted plants to bring indoors for the winter.  Maybe, I'll even clean the eaves troughs and wash the windows.  Certainly, with the fine weather forecast for the coming week, the best place for me to be is outdoors in the sunshine.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Never Ending

This morning, I was looking at some of the photos I took when Marg and I visited the cottage in Northern Ontario on the August long weekend.  One of my favorite shots was of a small branch of a jack pine overhanging the shoreline.  This little branch, complete with an unopened cone and some fresh green needles, with the calm lake water in the background, gives me a feeling of peace.

The young leaves sustain the parent tree, allowing it to grow and flourish for a long time.  The cones of the jack pine are tightly sealed by resin and remain on the tree for as long as 25 years. The cones open usually only when subjected to fire.  So, even if the parent tree should grow old and die, its progeny will carry on, each exhibiting the basic characteristics of the parent.  This is the encouraging part of the never-ending cycle of life and death.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Indian Summer has Arrived

Finally, we're having some great fall weather.  It got up to a windy 23 degrees today and the weather folk are predicting at least a week of sunny, mild weather, with temperatures in the 17-21 range.  Today was great kite flying weather.  Marg and I drove out to La Barrierre Park to walk Holly and Mollie.  To say the winds were 'brisk' would be be an understatement.  But, it was dry, sunny, and warm and much appreciated.  Well, except for the grassy areas.  They were wet, hiding a lot of water that quickly found its way into our runners.  The dogs, of course, didn't notice that.  They (and we) just enjoyed the outing.  The trees along the La Salle River were rapidly losing their leaves to the wind.

On the way home, we drove through La Salle to see how construction was coming along on Josi and Greg's new home.  Looks good.  I think the windows and doors will be installed this week.  We felt sorry for them in a way: they'll have lots of work ahead of them next summer, landscaping their yard.  We would never want to go through that process again.  It's hard enough maintaining a fully landscaped yard.  But, they're young and they'll learn a lot from the 'exercise'.

Wow! So Good!

Last night, Marg and I tried a newly opened restaurant in the Exchange District at King and Bannatyne called 'The Peasant Cookery'.  It used to be Oui Bistro.  With the change came a new decor and menu, mainly European dishes, and lower prices.  The service and food was so good!  We highly recommend it to our friends and family.  We've decided that, at least once a month, we'll go out on a dinner date together.  Maybe combine it with a concert or a play.  Sounds like the beginning of a tradition to me ...

Good Memories

Looking at some of my recent trip photos, I have many good and new memories ...

I will always treasure my memories of Tofino.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Wheat Waving in Wind

In mid-July, while making a solitary crop tour near Carman, I wanted to photograph some different individual crop plants.  It turned out to be a very windy day, so I gave up on that idea and decided to try to capture some fields of wheat being swept by the wind.  The feeling of moving wheat is hard to photograph but I did make some images with which I was fairly happy.  Here are a couple of them:

Of course, this wheat has now ripened and been harvested.  It will now be sitting in a farmer's bin, waiting to be sold when the price is right.  Someday, it may become a loaf of bread.  Maybe, slices of toast, waiting to be buttered and spread with your favorite jam for your breakfast.

Michaelmas Daisies

Michaelmas daisies are a frost hardy, bushy perennial that blooms from late summer well into the Fall. My white ones bring welcome color to my backyard garden at this time of the year.  They attract butterflies like the Painted Lady Butterfly and all sorts of other late season pollinators .  Said to grow best in boggy, moist conditions, my Michaelmas daisies should feel very comfortable in my soggy yard right now. Although they symbolize the end of the growing season to the gardener, their appearance now is still very welcome.  Located just off the edge of my deck, I see them every time I let Holly out to explore the backyard.  The person who planted them there chose the site well.

They are also a reminder to me to use the coming warmer, sunnier days well to ready the yard for winter snows and the pots for winter storage.  Some of the potted plants will go into cold storage for the winter, to be brought out again in the spring; others will go onto the compost heap to eventually be fertilizer for future plantings.  The weeds that I'll be pulling and the clippings from the trees and shrubs that I'll soon be pruning will have to go out with the garbage in the coming week.  I love the changing of the seasons.

While it Rained Outside

I thoroughly enjoyed my fourth time watching Tom Jones and the Temple of Doom last night.  I drove over to the Theatre in the rain, not expecting to really enjoy myself.  But, I couldn't help it; I did.  Very much.  The show was great.  This was the best performance I'd seen yet.  I can't get over how the cast remain so upbeat.  Their singing and dancing was great.  You couldn't help but feel uplifted by the clear songs and the energetic dancing.  And the fine company at the table ... Margaret, Elaine, and Ian ... made me feel privileged to be so fortunate to share the evening with them.  Afterwards, driving home in the pouring rain, I realized how good my life has become in recent months.  Happiness is ...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Camera Not Needed

Unfortunately, the drive to and from Carman was pretty boring.  Leaden skies, brownish fields, and no sunshine at all.  Most of the harvesting has been done.  After yesterday's rain, there was no field equipment operating today.  Nothing to see to make the drive more interesting.

Oh, well.  At least, I got my errands done and saw a few old friends in town.  That made the trip all worth while.  Holly rode shotgun today.  I think she enjoyed doing something different also.  Now, we're home for awhile.  Holly's been fed and is already sleeping things off.  I wish I could, too, but I must stay alert because I'll be heading out again soon.  Tonight?  Guess what?  My fourth viewing of "Tom Jones and the Temple of Doom" at Celebrations Dinner Theatre with Margaret.  Whoohoo!

Off to Carman Today

I'm looking forward to driving to Carman today.  It's been quite awhile since I last visited "my hometown" and some of my friends there.  Today, I have to run a few business errands there but I hope to stop in at a couple of places to visit friends.  I'm also looking forward to a drive in the country, just to see how the harvest has been progressing in south-central Manitoba.  I'm taking my camera along, of course.  The weather man says it'll be cloudy all day but, sometimes, that means there'll be some good photo opportunities.  Best to be prepared for those fleeting moments.  I've missed too many great photos because I didn't think the weather would be good and I left my camera at home.  Not any more!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

As the Leaves Pile Up

And the rain beats down, on this last day of summer, the nights get longer.  But, look at the forecast.  Starting Sunday, a long string of warmer, sunnier days are predicted.  With my crystal ball in front of me (right next to my morning cup of coffee), I see yard work in my future.  Lots of weeding and pruning lies ahead, before the snow fills in my jungle-like backyard.  Strange as it may seem, I'm looking forward to the final clean-up of the yard for the season.  Equally strange, I'm also kind of looking forward to seeing the snow come to stay.  With that blanket of snow, there'll be a shift to the indoors and puttering around the house, cleaning and painting different rooms, catching up on some of the yet to be done things on my long list of yet to be dones.

I also see many trips to the good-will store as I try to further de-clutter my home.  I'm looking forward to giving away many of the little things that are just collecting dust here, especially may of the things in the basement.  I'm beginning to look at things and assess their value to me and my desire to keep them.  When was the last time they were used?  When will I ever use them again?  Can someone else use them, learn from them, or just enjoy them?  There will be a few hard decisions to make, I know.  But, they must be made.  Going on past experience, I somehow think that everything I get rid of will never be missed in the future.  You see, I'm not new to the de-cluttering exercise.  I've done it several times over the past couple of years.  So far, I've had no serious regrets about any thing that is gone.  Sure, once in awhile, I've thought "I wish I had kept that 'thing', I could use it right now".  But those thoughts have been few and far between.

So, the beat goes on ...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wishing Sunny, Dry Weather for Manitoba Farmers

Many farmers have nearly finished their harvests of cereal grains and canola in southern Manitoba and others are preparing to harvest their crops of potatoes, corn, soybeans, and sunflowers.

Here's hoping they have more warm, sunny, dry weather while they continue their field work.


Looking for some inspiration for writing a new post to this blog, I came a cross a quote by Henry Miller.  He said that "one’s destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things".  The words somehow struck home for me.  I've been wondering lately just where I'm going in my life.  Don't misunderstand me: I'm quite happy these days.  I've begun a new life with someone I love and who is very, very special to me.  I'm seeing many things in a new way.  But, sometimes, I've wondered where I'm going.  Where I'll be in the years to come.  Miller's words have reminded me that my outlook is more important than my place in the future.  That I should live in and make the most of the moments that I'm in.  The future will take care of itself if I simply accept the changes occurring in my life, live in these precious moments, and confidently keep moving forward.  Where there is forward movement, there is life.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back to Beaudry

Another fine Fall day, back at Beaudry Provincial Park early this morning, for Margaret and I to walk all three dogs.  This, time, we walked some trails through one of the tall grass prairie sections of the park.  It was pretty nice, out in the sunshine instead of along the forest trails, because it was quite cool, with frost, early this morning.  The dogs certainly seemed to enjoy being off leash again.

Holly and Mollie sure got in their exercise, running ahead of us and then racing each other back to us when they were called.  Margaret's other dog, Zoee, a 14 year-old bichon, went at a more moderate pace.

I was very impressed with Holly, coming whenever she was called.  It was as if she knew she was being tested off leash and wanted to prove she could be trusted.  Of course, if she had seen a deer or other dog to chase, who knows how obedient she would have been.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Dog's Life

This gorgeous morning, we walked the Beaudry trail with the dogs.  The fall colours, though not spectacular, were nice.  Nothing like those in Ontario and further east.  There were lots of leaves already on the ground.

Mollie and Holly loved being able to run "off leash" along this trail.  I wish Holly could do that more often.  She sure seemed happy and frisky.  She'll probably snooze away the afternoon.

If the weather is good tomorrow, maybe we'll be able to do this trail again.  Holly and I sure need the exercise.

In the Moment

Life is supposed to be lived in the moment.  Sometimes, it's good to forget the past and not worry about the future; just enjoy the moment that we're in.  Like a hover fly, sipping on the nectar of a fresh flower, we should enjoy where we are now and what's happening in our life today.

And, today, with sunny skies in the forecast, will be a good time to walk in a park, with Margaret and Holly and Molly.  It's time to live in the moment again.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Sometimes, I find myself in a reflective mood.  Early this morning, I went through some of my old digital photos, some going back nearly ten years, when I still ran my consulting business.  Some images brought to mind the many different kinds of things I did to earn a living back then.  I wrote many reports on different topics for government and industry, focusing on medical-veterinary entomology.  I carried out numerous evaluations of agricultural insecticides and insecticides and repellents used against mosquitoes.  I also made drawings and photos of some pests that I sold to clients.

But, it was when I delved into my personal photos that I became more reflective.  This was especially true for some old black and white photos that I digitized a few years ago, while I was starting to put together my family history.  One in particular, a photo of my father probably taken by his wife, Lynn, brought back a lot of good memories.  My dad, Norman Ellis, was a very special person to me and to other members of his family.  He had an interesting life but I won't go into that just now.  I only wish now that I had had been able to spend more time with him than I did.  I think of him often.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Breaking the Rules

Sometimes, in my photography (and my life, for that matter!), I break the rules.  In past workshops, I was always advised not to photograph into the sun.  It would certainly ruin the exposure and might even damage the camera.  Well, one evening in late August, while walking the beach at sunset near Tofino, I decided to break this rule and purposely shot into the glaring sun as it started to sink below the beach ridge line.  This was the result:

I kind of like this image.  It certainly brings back good memories.  And, yes, the camera still works.

Golden Plums

During late August, at a fruit stand near Kelowna, there was an abundance of tree-ripened fruit.  One item that caught our eye because it rarely appears for sale in Winnipeg, at any time or from anywhere: golden plums.  Looking over some of the pictures that I didn't post to my Flickr page yesterday, I came across the photo below, showing these mouth-watering treasures at that fruit stand near my Aunt May and Uncle Ellie's home.  They were so good to eat!  Now, I wish I'd searched the stand's shelves of jam for golden plum jam to go along with the peach jam I did buy.

Now, we have yet another reason to return to that area.  Hmmm ... I wonder if the locals also use it to produce their own plum liqueur?  Wouldn't that be a nice pre-meal aperitif to build your appetite?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Trip Photos Uploaded

I finally went through my vacation photos taken while Margaret and I travelled out to Ladner, Victoria, and Tofino during late August.  I've selected and uploaded a few representative shots to my Facebook and Flickr pages (see links opposite) for those of you who might be interested.  My favorite shot of the bunch is shown below: a woman surfer who has just finished for the day, enjoying the sunset at the water's edge on Chesterman Beach, near Tofino.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation (Lois Wyse).  On this, my granddaughter's, Katie's, first birthday, I am reminded of how much I love my children and all of my grandchildren.  Michael, Josi, Katie, Matthew, and Alex each bring me joy every time I see them.  They give me a feeling of fulfillment with my life.  I cannot imagine a life without them in it.  Happiness is ...

The Only Constant is Change

Like most people, I find it hard sometimes to cope with major changes in my life.  We all seem to develop comfort zones over time and become stressed when something or someone pushes us out of that comfort zone.  It may take days or months to re-establish ourselves, to become comfortable with our lives again.  Finding your way back into a new and often better comfort zone is part of personal growth and experience.  I feel sorry for those people whose lives are in constant turmoil, who can never seem to find peace.  I am so fortunate to have friends and family who care about me and want the best for me.  And I'm grateful for the new comfort zone that I now find myself in.  Often, change in our lives is for the better. As Price Prichett, the management consultant, once said, "change always comes bearing gifts".

Feeling Discouraged?

Then, click on the link below:

Guilty Pleasures

Recently, a friend stated that she was afraid something bad was about to happen to her because everything was going so well in her life.  She was very happy and felt guilty because of it.  Isn't it funny how guilt sometimes robs of us of our happiness.  Like yesterday, I had a wonderful long nap in the afternoon and woke up feeling guilty that I had slept and hadn't finished all the jobs on my list for the day.  Guilt robbed me of this small pleasure.  Are we so conditioned by our upbringings that we can't enjoy such simple pleasures without feeling guilty afterwards?  Is it a work ethic?  Is it guilt that I have it so good while others don't?  Or is it something else?  I must learn to live for, enjoy, and be grateful for these moments of peace and happiness.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A New Day Dawns

Many people hate Mondays.  To them, it marks the end of a fun weekend and the beginning of a work week.  To me, a retiree, it's just another day of the week.  I only like the weekend slightly more because I get a chance to visit or do things with friends and relatives more easily.  Otherwise, one day is just as good as another.  Like the past two days, today has dawned bright and sunny.  That's plenty good enough for me.  Now, I just have to decide how I'll spend it.

A small flood of "to do's" comes to mind.  I suppose I'll have to make a list of them and set some priorities for today.  I certainly can't do everything today that I know will be on the list.  I'll have to choose a mix of some "must do's" and some "fun to do's".  And, knowing myself as I do, I'll probably start with the more enjoyable items.  Like writing this blog post (I missed yesterday!) and going through my trip photos to select some for posting on my Flickr and Facebook pages.  The latter will certainly take awhile because there are so many photos to review and organize and some will definitely need editing before posting.

But, first, I'll make another cup of coffee and start that "to do" list.  Like I said, you have to set priorities ...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Life Goes On

Today, many of us are focused on the tragedies that have occurred during the past.  All of us have been affected to some degree by the senseless deaths that have occurred at the hands of terrorists, at home and abroad.  Although we should never forget those who have lost their lives, we must also remember that life goes on.  There are also many things to celebrate.  Like the health and happiness of so many of our friends and family members.  Like the births of our children and grand-children.  Like our ability to share what we have with others.  Like the fact that we are still here and that we can still do some good in our lives.Today is a good day to live, laugh, and love.

Friday, September 10, 2010


I entertained Matt and Alex tonight so that Josi and Greg could have some quiet time alone for awhile.  I don't know how they manage with those two super-energetic kids.  I only had them here for about four hours and they nearly exhausted me.  But, it was good to see them again after about a month apart from them.  I was glad Josi and Greg brought along some of their favorite videos for me to feed into my DVD player.  We went through three of them.  I think Matt has memorized them all.  Without the videos and Papa's toy box, it would have been quite the evening.  Even Holly seems tired now.  As quiet descends on the house once again, I think I'll find that book I started this morning and head off to bed.  Night all ...

Doing the Impossible

It's kind of fun to be doing the impossible.  If you'd asked me twenty years ago if I thought I'd live to be 66, I would have said that that was impossible, given the history of heart attacks in my family.  I was actually a little surprised to still be here when the clock reached the year 2000.  Now, living the impossible, I'm hoping I'll still be around in twenty years.  In fact, I've promised someone that I'll do my best to reach the ripe old age of 86.  I have too many reasons to be alive, too many things still to do, and too many places I want to see to leave this earthly existence anytime soon. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's the Little Things

The little things that make me happy include being a father and a grandfather, seeing colours, reading books and magazines, baking cookies, cooking for friends and family, being hugged, laughing, warmth, cleanliness, feet, sleeping, beauty, handmade stuff, birthdays, nature, antiques with meaning to me, love, smiles, flowers, flickr, photography, learning, spring, gratitude, creating, light, happiness, having a home, and walking my dog.

The First Cup of Morning Coffee ... Yes!

Nothing tastes better to me than that first, fresh cup of dark roast coffee in the morning.  And, there's no better way to drink that magic elixir than sitting in front of my computer screen, reviewing recent emails, checking out the latest comments and photos of friends and their kids on Facebook, and running through the new photos on Flickriver.

As most of the rest of the city wakes up and prepares to send the kids off to school or gets ready to head off to work, it feels so good just to relax and enjoy the first hour or so of the morning without hardly a care in the world.

Later, I know that reality will set in and I'll have to get busy.  There's always lots to do, think about, and plan.  My days quickly fill up, with me doing all sorts of things.  But, for these few minutes, it's good just to enjoy this quiet time.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happiness is ...

Yes, Mike came to my rescue tonight and fixed the mess I made trying to install my new router.  It took him awhile (I really can mess up a router installation good).  Looking forward to getting back into my normal computer-related routines again.  Hmmm ... guess I'm going to have to think of something to wrote here tomorrow.  I think I'll sleep on it now.

Moody Manitoba Morning and A Sunny Afternoon

No frost. No snow. The weather is actually quite nice as I write this morning, the clouds having given way to brilliant sunshine. A great morning to take Holly for a walk ... which I will do in a few minutes. This morning, I puttered on the deck for a while, clearing the tomato and parsley pots so they'll be ready for winter storage. I wanted to stay outside and work but the kitchen table and all the papers on it demanded my attention. I need to file a bunch of documents and get the files put away. I'm so tired of dealing with financial matters, a job I've always found unpleasant, as necessary as it is.
I talked with Michael last night and he will come over and solve my router problem soon. He and Tasha are very busy right now, getting things ready for Katie's first birthday party on Saturday. I'm looking forward to attending this milestone event and taking some photos to record the occasion. KT's first year sure went by fast ... too fast.
Anyways, it's time to walk my dog. We both need some exercise ... now, back from a brisk walk along a portion of the Harte Trail. It was nice to be on the trail again after minimal walking with Holly while I was recuperating (nothing serious; just felt very run down for a few days). She seemed to enjoy the trail walk, too. Lots of new smells for her to check out.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Good Grief ... A Frost Warning!

Tonight, the temperature is supposed to fall to 4 degrees and the weather folk have issued a frost warning. I think this is very premature weather for this time of year. It seems to me that last September we were marvelling at how unusually warm a month it was. Right now, the heavy cloud cover overhead reminds me of snow. And, that's way, way too early! Serves me right, I suppose, for complaining about grass-cutting and weeding. Oh, well, we'll see how it looks in the morning. The weather folk and me may be wrong as usual.

Taking Care of Business

I never thought I'd be this busy when I decided to retire from my consulting business a couple of years ago. Today, in addition to the usual household “stuff and things” I do (like grocery shopping and starting to prepare a chicken stew), I had lunch with Trudie and discussed the transfer of title of our cottage to “the kids”. Then, we met with a chartered accountant to discuss capital gains and other things. Soon, we'll meet with a lawyer and get the legal paperwork done. Then, it'll all be over except for paying the associated costs and handing over years of paperwork. I think the kids will owe us a dinner or two after all this done. And it better not be chicken stew!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Life without Home Internet Access

I found it amazing to discover how many of my routines were disrupted when my router died a few days ago and I was suddenly without my normal Internet access. Sure, there were lots of “work a rounds”. I still could use my Blackberry to go on the Web, get my email, and even chat on Messenger. Not that I like working on all those little keys and forever fixing my mistakes in spelling. I could also use Margaret's setup at her home. Or, if I was desperate, I could take my laptop to Starbucks and access the Web there. But, those weren't my routines.
So, I'm trying to adjust to this new life until my son sets up my new router. That may be awhile because he's at the cottage this long weekend and he'll have to find some time to come over and do it later in the week. Why didn't I do it? Well, I tried. All I did was manage to screw everything up. You see, I have this thing with routers. I've gone through several of them over the years and not one could be installed by me. Mike always had to come to my rescue, to find and undo all my mistakes in my abortive installations and then to install hem properly. You'd think I'd have learnt by now.

So, the routines have been disrupted. No sitting down any time that I want, over a cup of coffee, to review or add to my Flickr, my Facebook, or my blog pages. Sigh ...

On the positive side, I can spend more time organizing my life, catching up on housework, and even weeding the flower beds. Not to mention dozens of other things that need to be done. The trouble is, they're not my routines. Double sigh ...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Back to (sort of) Normal

Yesterday, I tried catching up on things at home.  You know, ordinary stuff like tidying up the house after our trip, doing dishes, walking the dog, washing clothes, paying bills (and wondering why all the bills come in at once) ... that kind of 'stuff'.

The highlight of the day was attending another showing of "Tom Jones and the Temple of Doom" at Celebrations Dinner Theatre with Marg.  It was my third time to enjoy this show.  Funny, how each time you experience something, you get a little more out of it.   I didn't see much of Marg at the our table because she was rushing off to fix some problem in the box office every few minutes.  One of the perils of being the boss at CDT, I guess.  I wasn't alone though, sitting with Ian and Cathy (Marg's sister), and the three teenagers, Steph, Sara, and Daniel.  The kids had a ball, responding to the music and moves of the cast, many of whom visited our table to say hello.

Today, I must tend to my Ford Escape: first, to the dealership for an oil change, and second, to the Autopac agent for the annual insurance coverage.  I should probably vacuum the interior when I get home, but maybe not.  I sort of like all that BC beach sand littering the floor mats.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Starting to Fill the Memory Bank

What an incredible month we had in August!  As Margaret and I 'officially' began our partnership together on August 1st, we've packed in an incredible number of memorable activities.  We've been to the cottage in Northern Ontario, we've shopped together, we've attended several great concerts and plays, we've visited with many of our friends and relatives, and we've travelled to the West Coast and back.  We've done so many things, new to one or to both of us.  So many great times here in Winnipeg and in our travels.  Now, I must find time to sort through all the photographs taken during these times so that we can share them with the special people in our lives.  Yes, memories are made of these times and events ... some ordinary, some extraordinary.  Life is so very good for us now and we look forward to being together in the coming years.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day of September

As I sit before my computer this morning and write this, it's apparent Fall is here now.  First, it's still dark out at 6 a.m.  Second, at only 9 degrees, it's quite cool, inside and outside because I left a bunch of windows open last night when I went to bed.  Tonight, I think I'll put the old but warm Hudson Bay blanket back on the bed.

Last night, while wandering around the yard, I noted that some of the leaves on the plants have started to turn yellow.  There are still lots of flowers in bloom, including those on some of the waterlilies, clematises and lilies, but it's obvious that most plants are beginning to shut down for the season (except for those damn dandelions and thistles!).  Even the grass seems to be growing slower.

I have mixed emotions about this change in the seasons.  I've really enjoyed tending the perennial plants and photographing the blooms over the spring and summer.  I've learned quite a bit about them in doing so.  And, I have so much more to learn yet.  On the other hand, I'm looking forward to getting back into some of my other hobbies, including woodworking and calligraphy.  Maybe, I'll even dig out the watercolours and do a bit of painting.  I'm not especially good at these activities but I do find them relaxing and enjoy giving some of my little creations to close friends and relatives.

Of course, there are some things I don't look forward to as the cooler weather sets in.  Things like snow clearing and scaping snow and ice off my windshield were never high on my list of fun activities.  Fortunately, in these days of cheap air fares, we'll be able to escape Manitoba's worst winter days by going somewhere warmer for a few days.  Cabin fever usually comes during January and February in Winnipeg.  Getting away to somewhere warmer and green, even if only for a few days, always seems to help me get through that tough period of the year.

But, enough of these cool thoughts.  It's time I got ready to take my dog for our morning walk, to enjoy what's left of these early Fall days.