Wednesday, September 22, 2010

As the Leaves Pile Up

And the rain beats down, on this last day of summer, the nights get longer.  But, look at the forecast.  Starting Sunday, a long string of warmer, sunnier days are predicted.  With my crystal ball in front of me (right next to my morning cup of coffee), I see yard work in my future.  Lots of weeding and pruning lies ahead, before the snow fills in my jungle-like backyard.  Strange as it may seem, I'm looking forward to the final clean-up of the yard for the season.  Equally strange, I'm also kind of looking forward to seeing the snow come to stay.  With that blanket of snow, there'll be a shift to the indoors and puttering around the house, cleaning and painting different rooms, catching up on some of the yet to be done things on my long list of yet to be dones.

I also see many trips to the good-will store as I try to further de-clutter my home.  I'm looking forward to giving away many of the little things that are just collecting dust here, especially may of the things in the basement.  I'm beginning to look at things and assess their value to me and my desire to keep them.  When was the last time they were used?  When will I ever use them again?  Can someone else use them, learn from them, or just enjoy them?  There will be a few hard decisions to make, I know.  But, they must be made.  Going on past experience, I somehow think that everything I get rid of will never be missed in the future.  You see, I'm not new to the de-cluttering exercise.  I've done it several times over the past couple of years.  So far, I've had no serious regrets about any thing that is gone.  Sure, once in awhile, I've thought "I wish I had kept that 'thing', I could use it right now".  But those thoughts have been few and far between.

So, the beat goes on ...

1 comment:

  1. Just having indoor work is enough. The garden is lovely but work and there is always the pull to be outside working when there is also work inside. The de-clutter process can be very cleansing and if items find "new homes" then the process can be rewarding.
