Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bending ...

I gave up trying to go against the Google Chrome grain. I've signed back in and I've found some ways to avoid excessive ads on my pages, all this is so that I can post comments on the blogs of friends and relatives. I missed those direct communications.

In my last post, I gave some information on our current Winterpeg weather. I should have mentioned that some poor souls still have to work outdoors in this dreadful weather.

Think of the drivers of snow plows and side-walk machines. Think of all those people clearing their driveways. Think of those people manning the pumps at gas stations. The list goes on.

Fortunately for us, we have a driveway clearing service. It's not cheap but it's sure worth it, especially this winter with the blowing snow and frigid temperatures.

We were lucky to be able to go out and get some groceries today. We were low on fresh vegetables and fruits. Happiness is a well-stocked larder!

Todays News from the Winnipeg Free Press

"The good news is there will be plenty of sunshine in southern Manitoba the next few days. The bad news is Environment Canada forecasts below normal temperatures. For today, look for clear skies and a daytime high of -25 C. This morning, wind chill values are in the low -40s. And the ugly news is the situation will get worse before it gets better. Monday through Thursday, Environment Canada is calling for high temperatures to reach only into the -25 C to -29 C range with wind chills around the -40 mark. On Friday, the daytime high will get 'warmer' at -19 C. The normal high for this time of year is -13 C; the normal low is -23 C".

All I can say is "brrrrr!"

Monday, December 23, 2013

Your Posts are Being Read

Since blocking Google cookies on my PC, I've lost the ability to comment on the blogs of family and friends. It's frustrating but it minimizes an increasing number of unsolicited ads popping up on my computer. Just note that I read and enjoy all of your posts. If I must comment on something, I will email my thoughts to you.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas is Coming

Just think, a week from today and both Christmas and Boxing Day will be history. It makes you wonder what all the fuss is. Then, you realize the fuss, in my case, is all for the grand-kids. What a pleasure it will be to see their eyes light up as they open their gifts. Hopefully, I'll be able to capture that excitement in some photos.

This Sunday, the 22nd is Greg's birthday. He'll probably have to wait until Christmas Day to get his birthday gift from us. I think he's used to the slight delay. Happy Birthday, Greg, if you read this before we see you.

I'm amazed at how many Christmas sale flyers have been stuffed in my mailbox over the past couple of weeks. Some of the sale items are tempting. They'd be even more tempting if I had a vehicle and extra cash right now. Maybe, in January, a suitable vehicle will turn up. However, I can't say there will be any extra cash.

I've not written many blog posts lately. I have no excuse. I've been spending too much time on YouTube, learning more about cooking, wood carving, and bushcraft. Researching such topics is fun. One video quickly leads to another. Then, you realize the day is nearly over. You promise yourself that tomorrow will be different. But, it rarely is. Oh, well, life is to be lived moment by moment.

If this is my last post before Christmas, I wish all of you my best for happy and healthy times ahead.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


As any of you know, I post most of my photos to my Flickr page. Today, I reviewed some of the statistics for my photos. It seems one of the most popular of my photos is of the one called 'kittens'.

I was amazed to find it has been viewed 2727 times since I posted it, a couple of years ago. The photo was actually taken in September, 2003, over 10 years ago.

Cuteness counts, at least when it comes to kittens ...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Happiness is ...

... being married to Margaret. Today is our second wedding anniversary.  Hopefully, we'll celebrate many more years together.  This weekend, as we did last year, we'll be going out to dinner somewhere special.  And, just a word of thanks to all of you family members who have supported our life together.