Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Silence is Not Golden

Sometimes, I wish I didn't have to be as restrained as I am in what I write here.  But, then again, maybe I say too much already.  Maybe, I should be more restrained.  Hmm ...  Something to think about.

Yes, I finally got my act together this afternoon and cleaned house.  Well, I vacuumed and washed floors.  The house only appears clean.  If you don't look too closely.  Between me and Holly, it won't stay clean very long.  Mainly, it's Holly, of course, who dirties the house.  Not me.  Good thing she can't read (or write!) or you might be reading an opposing view.

I also went shopping today for some needed clothes, household supplies, and, of course, more groceries.  Company's coming.  Lots of people to feed, especially on Thursday when my tribe comes for brunch.  I'm happiest when I'm cooking for others.

It's now early Wednesday morning.  Too early to be up and writing this but, then, I don't get to choose when I wake up.  I'm sitting here trying to think of something wise to say.  Nothing comes to mind.  I can't even think of anything stupid to say.  We, yes, I can think of lots of stupid things to say.  But, I won't say them.  No sense confirming what everyone thinks of me, is there?  I think I'll just go back to bed and start over again later.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Brisk it was, this morning, on our walk.  It was only 10 degrees while we wandered the streets this morning.  At least, it kept the mosquitoes inactive.  When Holly walked through any tall grass, she stirred them up but they settled right down again afterwards.  Too cool for much mosquito activity.

Yesterday afternoon and evening was pretty much just puttering around.  One thing I has happy to do was to organize some of my recipes collected over the past few months.  Some went into my cooking notebook; others into my card file.  Reading through some of them was quite enjoyable.  There are so many I want to try in the days ahead.  I also got another nice phone call in the afternoon ... hmmm.

I'll get my chance to prepare a few meal items new to me on Thursday when the kids and their families are coming over for brunch, to celebrate Canada Day.  I'm really looking forward to seeing them all again.

Today?  Well, there's always vacuuming and floor washing and ...  Hopefully, I won't be too lazy today and I'll be able to cross some things off my 'to do' list.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Just Another Monday

But it's a sunny Monday!  Holly and walked the streets again this morning after seeing how active the mosquitoes were near the trail head.  Only a cool 13 degrees this morning, it was wonderful for walking.  Today's plan?  I don't have any special jobs in mind.  Guess, I just follow the thread again and see where it leads ...

Well, it led to the deck, where I indulged in more coffee while I went through some cooking and gardening magazines that I picked up yesterday.  Just sitting in the sunshine, reading and listening to the quiet.  After awhile, the guilt kicked in and I tidied up some pots on the deck, drained rainwater from some empty containers (and turned them over so they wouldn't collect any more ... duh!).  Then, I pulled some more weeds.  How can thistles grow two feet in just a week?  Amazing that only weeds grow that fast!

Later, I got a wonderful phone call from someone very special.  That made my morning much better ...

Just before noon, I went to the library and, then, on to Safeway for groceries.  Only needed a couple of things but came home with three bags full.  Go figure.  Oh well, at least, I have a well-stocked pantry.  Then, I had a late lunch and read today's Free Press.  The newspaper seems a waste of money, especially on Monday.  Some fliers are thicker and more interesting than the Monday Free Press.  I've phoned in to cancel it, effective July 14th.  They'll probably call me a few weeks later and offer me a half-price, 3 month subscription, like they did last time.  Hmm ... I don't think I'll bite again.

The next thread I must follow today is called housework.  Yuk.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Good Beginnings

Last night, Vladimyr came by and we enjoyed the Chinese comfort food I prepared.  Had some great discussions about nature photography, photo manipulation, great photographers, history and philosophy.  We sure solved a lot of the world's problems, especially after we got into the wine.

This morning, Holly and I did the trail again, at least the outbound leg.  It seems there was a bicycle rally on the trail today and, after making way for about the 75th cyclist, we abandoned the trail for the streets of Charleswood.  Much more peaceful.  And fewer mosquitoes.  There were noticeably more mosquitoes along the trail today, compared with yesterday.

After lunch, I headed over to Grant Park Mall, spending some time in McNally-Robinson, choosing some cooking magazines and music CDs for later enjoyment.  As luck would have it, just as I was leaving, a thunderstorm struck and the rains came down.  I had quite a drive home because the streets were awash with water.

Now, I'm thinking, maybe, a nap ...

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Finally, Back on the Trail

In shorts, t-shirt and repellent, I braved the Harte Trail this morning, doing my usual walk with Holly.  I did get a few bites through the back of my t-shirt where there was no repellent but the mosquitoes weren't bad at all.  I guess the City did some sort of spraying along the trail, likely fogging, using an ATV.  Regardless, it sure felt good to walk along the trail again.  There were lots of other people enjoying it as well, including cyclists, joggers, and other walkers.

I also spent some time on Flickr this morning, revelling in the excellent images of a few of my Flickr contacts.  The artistic images of one young female photographer in particular, Krista Palmu from Finland, just blew me away.  I love her style.  Even her simplest shots resonated with me, making me want to try her approach with some of my own work.  I'm going to have to do some experimenting with some of my existing images, using Photoshop, to try to figure out exactly how she gets the dreamy, almost semi-transparent quality that she does.  It gets me excited just thinking about it.

Plans for the afternoon?  Maybe, make a special vegetarian soup to freeze for my daughter.  Also, start to prepare a Chinese dinner for Vladimyr, who's coming for supper.  And, maybe clean up the garage a bit so I can pull my Escape inside again.  I'd better get going now ...

Friday, June 25, 2010

Led Zeppelin-Stairway to Heaven

I listened to this song carefully for the first time on Friday night when I came across it by chance on the web.  Then, I had to go to YouTube to hear it again (  Many of you know this is a 70's classic.  The lyrics are great.  Clear singing and thought-provoking words, even if it is rock.  Music the way I like it (although the band does get a little loud and brassy in the final sections).  The words "and a new day will dawn for those who stand long" have a special meaning for me today.

Friday's Almost Over

That was quick.  The highlight of the day (besides some welcome emails and telephone conversations I had) was the LFOM, where the entomologists and grad students, mainly from the UM gather just to talk, drink, and eat.  This was my first time for joining in with them.  It was good to see some friends there and catch up on what they're doing.  We partied in the outdoor eating area of Michael P's on Pembina.  I was glad my friend, Pat, sat beside me most of the time.  She's more of a mosquito magnet than me.  So, when one started bothered me, I'd just point it towards her.  She probably got 5 bites for every one I got.  I was sad to see her leave about a half hour before I did because a lot of frustrated mosquitoes then turned on me.

Holly was, as usual, glad to see me when I got home.  A walk, fresh water, and milk bone made her happy again.  The house has become very warm today.  I guess, tomorrow, I'll have to start closing windows and crank up the air conditioner.  I prefer the fresh air but I don't like to suffer either.  Summer is obviously here now.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Street Walkers

That's what Holly and I call ourselves these days.  I much prefer being called a trail blazer but, until the mosquitoes get off our trail, we'll stick to the streets, like we did again this morning.

I finally got around to doing some more flower photography this morning.  The results are posted on my Facebook and Flickr pages for those who might be interested.  Here are a couple of teasers for you:

Yes, they're pink and white peonies.

My friend, Vladimyr couldn't make it for supper tonight so I had some lamb stew myself and froze a couple of containers of it for later visiting royalty.  After supper, wanting something sweet, I made myself a banana smoothie.  Scrummy!  (what's that you ask? scumptious and yummy = scrummy).

Another day closer to ...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Time Flies

I just noticed I hadn't posted anything since yesterday afternoon when I mentioned the lamb stew.  Well, I made it and had a bowl of it for supper tonight.  It was my best yet.  Literally, the meat melts in your mouth.  I guess it should considering I that started with lamb sirloin chops.  It's been on the stove-top now for 24 hours since I seared it and added all the other components, at just under the boiling point, so the lamb is ultra-tender.  Yum!

I just got off the phone from talking with Vladimyr.  He loves ethnic cooking.  When I mentioned my supper tonight, I could hear him start to salivate.  He loves lamb.  Long story short, he's coming for supper tomorrow night.  It's always great talking with him.  He's all over the map in our conversations but he is always interesting.

Today, I did some much needed yard work, cutting the grass, pruning some wild shrubbery, and pulling weeds in the flower beds in the backyard, mainly dandelions and thistle.  Tomorrow, I'll tackle the weeds in the front flower beds which are in better shape.  The mosquitoes were a bit of a nuisance today, even with repellent.  As I sit here in my study, typing this, the odd one flies by the computer screen.  I guess I'll be feeding those suckers as I sleep tonight.

And, yes, our daily walks continue.  Holly is happy.  Although she would go for another right now, if I had the energy to take her.  I'm happy, too.  Walking has become an addiction with me.  I can't do without them every day.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Gorgeous Afternoon

Even if a thunderstorm is moving in later, it's been a great afternoon.  I spent some time planning a trip out west to Tofino, doing the vacuuming (finally!), and shopping at La Grotta for some Italian specialty items.  Even bought some lamb sirloin chops to make my special lamb stew.  I haven't had any of that for many months and I begin salivating, just thinking about tasting it again.  Starting that is my evening's project.

Walking is a Great Way to Start a Day

We walked in the neighborhood this morning, leaving the Harte Trail to the mosquitoes.  Not as soul-filling as the trail, now sprinkled with purple vetch, while anemones, and yellow toadflax, but certainly interesting.  It was neat to see some well-landscaped front yards, as we walked along.  Some people have been quite creative in the way they've laid out their flower beds and in their choice of flowers.  It made me wish I could see into their backyards as well.

Seeing the way some other people have done their landscaping made me appreciate even more the work done by the woman who owned my yard.  My yard really is the best I've seen in Charleswood, even if there are a few that come close.  It makes me feel that I must continue to maintain it as best I can and add only minor touches to make it my own.

Monday, June 21, 2010


In between tending to various housework chores, I've been playing with my new laptop, 'tweeking' it so it meets my needs better.  Now, I can also send and receive my regular email from it (in addition to my Blackberry and desktop).  And I was even able to do this without Mike's help!  But, who knows what I screwed up getting to this point.  Oh, well ... time will tell.

It's Monday So It Must Be Going to Rain Again

Holly and I took to the Harte Trail at 6:30 this morning, braving the clouds of mosquitoes.  The only other crazy person on the trail was a woman jogger.  I think she was trying to outrun the mosquitoes.  I was fine, wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt and hat, with repellent covering my exposed skin.  It felt good to do a long walk again after a 3-day break.

For awhile, though, I'm think I'm going to avoid the trail and just walk the equivalent distance on nearby Charleswood streets where the mosquitoes are more tolerable.  This will be for Holly's sake more than mine.  On the trail, she had a cloud of mosquitoes around her head and I'm sure she got a bunch of bites around her nose and eyes.  They couldn't bite her anywhere else because of her thick coat.

It's been a cloudy, muggy morning in Charleswood.  Kind of depressing weather, with rain in the forecast.  But, mid-morning, my day brightened considerably when I heard from a good friend.  I heard all the things I needed to hear to enable me to face this and the coming days.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Feeling Very Good Tonight

This Father's Day seemed way better than ones I remember before.  Mike and Tasha and Josi and Greg made me feel very special today.  It meant a lot to me.  Thanks again, folks. I am so proud of each of you and what you are doing in your lives.

It's Called Mosquito Flats for a Reason

The sign above my front door, 'Mosquito Flats', is very appropriate right now.  If the City fogged our area last night, my mosquitoes were unaffected.  A least, the ones trying to get in the front door every time it opens.

It's been a great day so far.  I put on my 'going to meeting' duds this morning and headed down to Holy Trinity Anglican Church on Smith Street, downtown.  I joined the Ab and Jenny and Mike and Tasha and Katie.  I must say I enjoyed the service and the singing very much.  Following the service, Mike invited everyone to a local Smitty's for lunch to celebrate Father's Day.  It was nice to sit and chat and watch Katie try, successfully, to steal the show.

Now, I'm home again.  My lazy, sleepy dog hardly noticed me come in the door.  I think I must have disturbed her sleep.  Next?  Try to relax and digest my lunch before heading over to Josi and Greg's for supper.  Self-centred me is enjoying all the attention this day brings from my 'kids'.

Eat Pray Love

That's the title of a book that I've heard a lot about and want to read.  So far, I've been unable to find it.  I suppose I'll end up ordering a copy from my bookstore or requesting it through the library.  The words also will sum up my coming day, hopefully.  I'm planning on joining the Chudley clan at their church downtown this morning.  The church where Mike and Tasha were married.  And, this evening, Josi has invited her father over for supper.  She'll have a busy day, competing in the Manitoba Marathon and then making supper for her dad.

Yes, I'm up early again ... drinking coffee while I wade through Flickriver images and listen to YouTube videos of my favorite singers.  Mainly the incredibly gifted voice of Eva Cassidy this morning.  Her music was little known during her short life.  Today, her soul-stirring, powerful voice is touching people around the world.  I'm also thinking of close friends, near and far away, wondering how they are and what they're doing, hoping they are well, and looking forward to seeing them again.  Yes, I'm in a bit of a melancholy mood right now but that's okay.  Life actually is very good.  My head is still held high and my eyes are on the horizon.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Rest of The Day

Well, the weather office was wrong again.  It was a beautiful day.  It would have been ideal, but for the mosquitoes.  They even were a nuisance inside the house because, every time Holly and I went in or out, a few of the blood-thirsty mosquitoes darted inside.  Outside, they were really bad.  The City is supposed to start fogging this weekend.  Hopefully, they'll start in Charleswood and the fogging will reduce their numbers to a more tolerable level.

This afternoon, I busied myself indoors, organizing yet more stuff, emailing friends, and surfing.  Also, planning a vacation out west in August.  Something I'm really looking forward to doing.  I'll keep driving until I reach the Pacific, somewhere around Tofino.

Another Day Passes

Yesterday came and went.  We were deluged with rain again.  The weather has limited what could be done outside.  The rain and wind has also been hard on the flowers in my yard, especially the blooms on tall stems, like the irises.

Holly and I (me dressed up in my rain coat) did a few short walks in the neighbourhood today.  Some of my neighbours see me head out in the rain with Holly and just shake their heads.  I'm sure they must think I'm crazy; maybe, they're right.  Our walks the past couple of days have not been long enough for our liking but at least we have gotten out.

In the evening, I went over to Mike and Tasha's, to help Mike with his garage renovation again.  We finished sheathing the interior walls.  I'm slowly paying him back for all the times that he has helped me.  I don't do that much, just lend an extra pair of hands when needed, sometimes a word of advice.  I'm proud of all the work he's doing.

It's very early Saturday morning now.  I had plans for today but they got changed.  I'm learning to adapt to seeming constant changing circumstances.  Is this what 'they' mean when 'they' say "let the happenings happen"?  Perhaps, it's just as well the plan changed because the forecast for sunny skies also changed: to cloudy with occasional showers.  Now, the forecast is for a sunny tomorrow.  Here's hoping ...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Living and Learning

Today is, to use a cliché, the first day of the rest of my life.  Filled mostly with thunder and lightning and rain, not to mention mosquitoes, it is a day I will always remember.  And, someday, I may tell you readers why.  It was also a day for planning, some short-term plans; some long-term ones.  It was also another day in learning patience.

It was also a day for learning new technology.  I bought a new laptop this morning and have spent (too) many hours getting it set-up, occasionally calling my techno-savvy son to help me over a few difficult spots.  But, I wouldn't be happy if I wasn't learning or doing something new everyday so I can't complain.  I love a learning challenge.

The only one really unhappy today in this house is my dog Holly who didn't get the long walks she has grown accustomed to.  And, yes, I feel guilty about that, Holly.  I will make it up to her when the weather improves.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another Good Evening

This one, over at Mike and Tasha's for a couple of hours, helping Mike put up a some awkward pieces of plywood sheathing in the peak of his renovated garage.  It's coming along nicely.  Selling your home is a great motivator.

Back at home, I did the usual email, Facebook, and Flickr checks.  Now, I'm feeling like it's time to go read myself to sleep ...

Touched Base in Carman Again

This morning, I drove out to Carman to have lunch with Denis and Gwen at Tidbit.  It was great to see them again and to wish Denis a Happy Birthday (it's actually tomorrow).  I also visited Jane at the Golden Prairie Arts Council and was given a special tour of the exhibit of student art work that's part of the Art Mentorship Program.  The works of a couple of very talented people stood out, especially photos by a young female photographer.  Apparently, she will be going on to a career in photography.  Seeing just her portraits made the visit well worthwhile to me.  What was touching to me was that the photography students were using old 35 mm camera gear that I donated to the council a few years ago.

Beginning to be A Home

This place is slowly beginning to be a home.  A new warmth and balance seems to be moving into 43 Carbutt Place.  As certain things in my life begin to be settled, subtle changes have already started to occur.  Anyone visiting here wouldn't notice anything different but I do.  Later on, the changes will be become obvious to everyone.  Until then ...

This morning, I'm taking a break from my routine which Holly will not like.  I'm passing on my long morning walk.  I just do not feel like going down the trail and sharing my blood with hordes of mosquitoes.  So, today, I think I'll just take a series of shorter walks in the neighbourhood as time permits.  Hopefully, it'll be breezy and the mossies will find it harder to land on me and bite.  Yeah, right!

Last evening, I was going to cut the grass.  I only got the front yard done before the mosquitoes nixed that plan.  Hopefully, I'll get the back lawn cut today.

And, of course, I'm heading out to Carman later in the morning to have lunch with Denis and Gwen.  That'll be good because we've not see each other for several weeks.  Tomorrow is Denis' birthday, too.  While in Carman, I suppose I'll make the rounds and visit a few other friends there.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Good Grief ...

... it's Tuesday afternoon already!  This morning, after walking the mosquito infested Harte Trail, I spent some time looking at flowers in the yard and ended up taking a few more photos (already posted to my Flickr and Facebook pages).  I was quite happy with the two shots of the showy and yellow lady's slippers that I took, especially because they were hand-held and without flash, something I should do more of, I think.

I had lunch at Prairie Ink (wonderful crab cakes), bought a few items at McNally-Robinson Booksellers, and then went to the MTS store to buy a blue-tooth, hands-free, cell phone receiver for my Ford Escape.  To make me safer on the road (and avoid a heavy fine if caught using my cell while driving).  Then, I was off to the Italian grocery store (Piazza Del Nardi or as most people call it, La Grotta) for some specialty items, including buffalo mozzarella cheese and frozen chicken livers.

Home again, I caught up on my emails and continued down Flickriver (which had been interrupted by my walk and then other stuff I was doing).  Now, I'm trying not to go have a nap.  We'll see ...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Luncheon was great ...

Well, reconnecting with a bunch of old friends from the Parks and Recreation Department was great.  Not impressed with the food though.  Anyways, met about a dozen people I'd known and liked from 20 years or so ago and it was fun talking with them all.  I hope to get together with a few of them again over the summer.

This evening I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new laptop that was on sale.  After reading up on it and getting my computer-savvy son's comments, I went to the store to purchase one only to find out they'd sold the last one in stock a few minutes before I arrived.  So, now I have to wait to Thursday morning for their new stock (50 units) to arrive and that's the last day of the sale.  Now that I have my new Blackberry, this is the last bit of high-tech gear on my wish list.

Another week begins ...

Holly and I did just a medium walk early this morning.  My old legs were a little weary from all the walking that we did yesterday.  I keep waiting for the sore leg muscles thing to pass but no luck so far.  Maybe after the next thousand miles of walking?

Today, I'm off to a City of Winnipeg retirees' luncheon at Harbourview Golf Course to reconnect with some old friends from the Parks and Recreation Department.  Should be a great day for it, weather-wise.  This is our second day in a row of rather nice weather.  Of course, any half decent day is better than all the rain we've had lately.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cool is ...

... is moving confidently forward into a better future, assured that things to come will be better.  Today, I'm cool.  And, I hope you are, too.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Scudding Along

Things are moving swiftly and smoothly in the garden.  I cannot get over how new flowers seem to appear daily at 43 Carbutt.  No sooner does one patch of flowers fade and disappear than another patch appears, sometimes even more magnificent than the first.

I'm certainly falling well behind in my flower photography.  The weather hasn't helped (I always blame things on the weather!),  Wind and rain doesn't foster great photos.  And, lately, the periods of sunshine have been all too brief.  By the time I notice them and stop what I'm doing and get my camera gear together, they're gone again.  I keep telling myself it's not a race.

But, I feel that spring has now past by and we're starting to accelerate through summer.  And I don't like that because that means cold weather is coming.  Once things turn white with snow, outdoor flower photography is history.  Of course, if I was more positive about things, I would simply shift gears and switch to some other photographic subject.  At least, I'm enjoying it while I can.

There is, of course, the possibility of simply heading south during the winter for a couple of weeks and seeing a whole new world of flowering plants.  Something to think about ... maybe Australia or somewhere like that?  Maybe a wine growing region of South America?  Hmmm ...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Change Is On The Way

Time goes by so slowly when you're waiting for something to happen.  Sometimes, while you wait, you imagine what you will do, depending on what happens. If this happens, I will do this ...  If that happens, I will do this ...  And, yet, because you don't know what will happen, you simply wait and hope for the best.  The best is worth waiting for.  The other end of that quote is prepare for the worst.  But, I know from experience you can never really prepare for the worst.  Neither can you really plan ahead.  You must 'simply' take things one day at a time.  When it happens, whatever it is, you react as best you can.  If what you want to happen happens, life will be very good indeed.

Sometimes I Draw a Blank

Once in awhile, I sit down to post an item on my day and I don't know what to say.  Writer's block?  So, maybe, I should just post the following quote by George Eliot (1819-1880).  It seems appropriate right now.  "Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact".

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Time after Time

Cecil Day-Lewis wrote "We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand".  That's where I'm at this morning.  Maybe it's sleep deprivation, but the title of song by Norah Jones, "Time after Time" keeps coming to mind.  The song deals, in part, with memories, with thinking about people who have come into and gone out of our lives.  It also deals, obliquely, with people who have come into our lives and have stayed.  Reading the lyrics can trigger many different thoughts, depending on where you are in your life.  Each phrase that she sings can mean so many different things to me, depending on how I interpret it.  I guess that's one of the magic qualities of her compositions.

For dealing with memories of times past, I've taken the advice of my wise cousin/mentor, Barb, who said that sometimes you should just put all of these memories into a box and, when necessary, take it out and remember the good things and then put it away again.  Meanwhile, you should begin making new memories.  It's good advice on both counts and I have been following it as best I can.

Back to the quote in the lead paragraph, some of the items that I've posted in this blog in recent day reflect my attempts to understand my life and the recent challenges that I've faced.  I think I'm getting to where I want to be now.  It's a good feeling.

Bloom Where You're Planted

I used to be 'planted' near Carman, in a rural area about 45 minutes SW of Winnipeg.  I loved it there.  It was a very special place, one I'll never forget.  I return as often as I can because of the good friends I made there over the years.  Now, I'm planted at 43 Carbutt.  At first, with all the moving and reorganizing, I wasn't too comfortable here.  Now, I find I'm thriving in this new environment.  I've grown so much over the past year, in so many ways.  I've adjusted to many dramatic changes.  Some, I resented and resisted.  All, I have now accepted.  In some ways, these changes were the best thing that ever happened to me.  I have found new reasons for living my life to the fullest.  I cannot write about some of the things that have occurred, not here anyways.  At least, not yet.  For now, they are too personal and are reserved for my pen and ink diary.  However, they will become apparent to others in my life, over time.  Soon, I hope.  Yes, I have begun to bloom where I have been planted.  Life is very good now, and it's getting better, day by day.

The Sound of Running Water

When I first moved into 43 Carbutt last summer, I found that, after a rain (and there were many rain storms last summer!), when the house was quiet, the dominant background sound was running water.  Water was draining from around the house into the basement sump and, as it filled, being pumped out through a pipe, ending up watering the front lawn and one of street-side flower beds.  You see, this house was built over or near an underground stream.  At first, this sound of running water really worried me.  What if the sump pump failed?  Would it flood the basement?  It no longer worries me at all.  A lot of things no longer worry me.

Now, this sound is more like music to my ears.  It brings to mind the words 'a river ran through it'.  It's like hearing water splashing from a fountain.  Or the crackling sound of a fireplace.  Quite soothing, in its own way.  It's only when you don't hear the sound of running water that you should be worried; that's when the sump pump has failed and the sump is full.  But, even then, it's not a big worry.  You have lots of time to fix things before any damage will be done.  You just have to be aware of what's happening around you.  And, that's a good thing to remember, wherever you are.

Music Fills My Soul

Call me crazy but, sometimes, I just love to sit and listen to my favorite music.  Usually, but not always, the music that most thrills me is classic folk, done by the original artist.  Occasionally, someone comes along and takes a classic folk song to a new, higher level ... way better than the original singer or group.  Eva Cassidy is one such singer.  She has the voice of an angel.  Sadly, she died young, before her talents were fully appreciated.  Most of her great renditions can be found on YouTube.  Here's a link to her singing a classic song: 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow'.  Many albums of her songs are available but the one I recommend the most is 'American Tune'.  It is a very well-mastered collection of her best songs.  I find myself listening to this album over and over, at home and while driving.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Never be afraid to sit awhile and think"

The above quote, by Lorraine Hansberry, got me to thinking, why is it that some days you feel so good?  Today is one of those days for me.  I guess it started in the wee hours of the night, when I was looking at some portrait photos I'd recently made of my three grand-kids, and I realized anew how very fortunate I am to have a family to love and be loved by.  Family is another word for love.  It continued when Holly and I quietly walked the trail without encountering anyone and saw five white-tailed deer at different points along the way, each standing on the trail for a few moments, watching us approach.  Then, there were all the inspiring images I viewed on Flickriver, some with just as inspiring words accompanying them.  These are the kinds of things that just fill my soul and make me happy to be alive.  They make me want to live another twenty years.  And, then there was the wind that blew away the morning clouds and allowed the sun to shine on the flowers in my yard for awhile.  The clouds came and went several times but not before I walked around and admired the new blooms, sparkling with rain drops.  And, then, there were the couple of butterflies that landed here and there as they dried their wings.  Maybe, too, it was the nap that I had in which the dreams I remember were pleasant and colourful.  It may sound corny, but, sometimes, all of this is just so good, it just takes my breath away.

Except for the five deer ...

... Holly and I enjoyed our morning walk alone on the Harte Trail.  It was so quiet this morning, you could almost hear yourself think (a jumble of thoughts can be quite loud, sometimes).  I suppose the on and off light rain showers kept everyone at home this morning.

With my coffee cup beside me, I guess I'll now continue drifting down the Flickriver.  Before my walk, I was only part way through my review of the latest 500 interesting images.

Three Very Good Reasons to be Happy


Sometimes, when you're thinking about your past, your present, and your future, it's better not to say anything at all ...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Following Those Twisted Threads

They've led me all over the place today.  On the deck, while having yet another morning coffee, I was pleased to get a phone call from a friend.  Then, I updated my personal diary.  Lots to write about there today.  Afterwards, I did the second load of dishes from last night's supper.

Later, I had this 'need' to make a beef stew so I went to the local Safeway to get the necessary ingredients.  En route to the Safeway, I noticed that I needed gas so I went to Red River Coop for gas fill and got a car wash while I was at it.  Then, I remembered that I needed to have a couple of prescriptions refilled so I was off to the local Shoppers Drug Mart.  See what I mean about following the thread?

Home again, I started the beef stew.  I usually make a lot of stew and then freeze several containers of it for later use (like when I don't want to really make a supper or when I'm having someone over who likes my home cooking).  It's always good to have some on hand.  Maybe, tomorrow, I'll make a chicken vegetable soup/stew, for the same reasons.  We'll see ...

Had to open a bottle of Yellow Tail Shiraz to deglaze the pot I used to brown my beef for the stew.  Very nice wine.  Hard not to sample it, especially today ... oh, well.

A Beautiful Morning

Holly and I walked the Trail again this morning.  It was really quite beautiful in the sunshine.  Alone with my thoughts, I was nearly run over from behind by two different cyclists.  Sometimes, it is a good idea to periodically look over your shoulder for these guys while you're strolling along the trail.

Today?  I've no idea what I'll do at this point.  Once in awhile, it's good to have no plans.  At least that way, when something doesn't happen, you're not disappointed.  I'll just follow the thread and see where it takes me ...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Good Times with Family

They came; they ate; I took pictures; they left.  Over a period of a couple of hours, we had a good time.  Mike and Greg were tired from reshingling Mikes new garage roof this afternoon (rebuilt yesterday by Mike and his friends).  I managed to snap some photos of the grand-kids after supper (now posted on Facebook).  Now, I must load the dishwasher yet again.  Then, I think I'll curl up with a good book and maybe get to sleep early tonight.  Tomorrow's another day ...

In Cooking Mode

After one of my crazy "on again, off again" sleep nights, Holly and I finally hit the Trail about 8:15 this morning.  Because of the overnight rain, there were lots of puddles along the Trail but, during the hour or so of our walking, we enjoyed mostly sunny skies.

After another cup of coffee on the deck with Holly, I took advantage of the sunshine and took a few more shots of some the latest flowers in my garden.  I've already posted these on my Flickr page.  Here's the one I like the most of those photos:

As noted in the title of this post, I'm now in cooking mode.  My son and daughter and their families are coming for supper tonight.  So, I'm in the midst of assembling a wide variety of dishes for their eating pleasure ...

Saturday, June 5, 2010


What I value most in my life, it almost goes without saying, are my family and my friends.  My family includes my children and grand-kids.  It also includes everyone related to them by birth or by marriage.  That's a lot of great people!  Like everyone, I have a few close friends who I see often and lots of friends who I only see occasionally.  I have one very, very close friend.  I also include Holly in the friends category.  Thinking about close family and friends, I realize that some of these people are both.  After these people, I value nature, music, art, and literature.  Of these four, I guess I treasure listening to music and reading books the most.  However, the other two come very close.  I want all of them!  Although absolutely necessary, I must place my home and some material things last on my list of valuables.

Friday, June 4, 2010

And a Fairly Good Afternoon

If you consider cleaning house a good way to spend an afternoon.  Yes, I got the vacuuming done and a few more things organized.  I also wrote and received a few emails and got a wonderful phone call from someone special.  So, I'm still feeling pretty good, all things considered.  I also started planning a Sunday evening meal for my kids and grand-kids.  Josi and her family have confirmed; just waiting on my number one son and his family now.  I'll soon have to make my own supper, I guess.  It's about that time of day.

Good Morning

The weather doesn't know what to do.  Overnight rain that ended about 5 a.m. (fortunately allowing me and Holly a rain-free walk at our usual time), then periods of blue sky and sunshine, and those followed by dark clouds whizzing by.  Go figure ...

Because of the weird weather, I decided just to concentrate on some housework this morning, getting a couple of loads of laundry and the dishes done and a few odds and ends tidied up.  After an early lunch, I went grocery shopping.  This afternoon, I think I'll continue cleaning up.  I see by the little clumps of dog hair, here and there, that some more vacuuming is in order.  Thank you, Holly.


I came across another quote while wandering through Flickriver images early this morning:  "when you can think of yesterday without regret and tomorrow without fear, you are near contentment".  I must say, as I write this at about 9:30 a.m., that I'm am contented.  Every day lately seems better than the day before.  It seems that every day brings a new pleasant surprise and I do love surprises.  Giving them and receiving them.  Yes, I am happy.  Very happy.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Feeling a Little Guilty

After a dental hygienist appointment late this morning (something I consider to be a necessary evil), I came home and had lunch and wrote in my diary on the deck, catching up on my personal thoughts and plans.  Then (here's where the guilt comes in), instead of doing some yard work, I was feeling a bit tired and so I decided to have a short nap.  Well, it turned out to be a long nap.  I awoke feeling very groggy and a little guilty.  I usually nap for, at most, an hour, if I even nap these days.  I suppose I'll have to make up for that somehow.  I'll just blame it on the weather for now ...

Every Shade of Green

The sunshine on the trail this morning really brought out all the different shades of green on the trees, shrubs, and grass.  And, I think Holly sniffed every one of them.  Sometimes, it's hard to walk briskly when you have a dog along that has other priorities.  But, it's hard to imagine walking the Harte Trail without her.  Holly and I got back home just as the rest of Charleswood seemed to be up and on the move: people walking their dogs, people driving to work, and cyclists doing their special kind of commute.  It's wonderful to be retired and able to do what I want, when I want, within financial limits, of course.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Some Things Done

At least, I got the grass cut and some of the weeds pulled this afternoon, after a trip for groceries.  A little tired this afternoon, I even managed to squeeze in a nap.  For supper, I made my Chinese special with lots of veggies, sans noodles.  And, for dessert, a great smoothie with all sorts of fruit, yogurt, and other nutrients.  I think I may be getting carried away with all this healthy stuff (though, I must admit, it really tastes very good).  Holly got her usual short evening walk.  Then, we sat on the deck together and I caught up on my personal diary notes.  I also wandered around the yard again, checking out the state of the flowers.  I sure enjoy being the resident caretaker here.  Someday, maybe, there'll be someone to share it all with ... time will tell.

Good Start to My Day

Another beautiful morning in Charleswood. Starting my day with a walk with Holly in the sunshine was especially good this morning.  I wish every morning was as good as this one.  And, for some reason, I feel real peace in my heart today.  I feel like I’m getting closer to where I want to be.

I'm not looking forward to the weather that’s forecast for the next few days.  Yes, more rain is coming.  Just what we don't need.  I have to make good use of today's fine weather by doing some needed yard work.  Topping the list is cutting my grass as soon as the dew is gone.  Then, attacking the latest batch of dandelions.  Where do they all come from?   But, before I do anything more, it's time I made myself some breakfast …

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What a Difference a Day Makes

No rain today (well, none so far).  The sunshine sure can improve my outlook on life.  I live on the prairies because of the sunny skies and broad horizons.  So, when we have a lot of rain, I find it very depressing.  Today's weather recharged my batteries.

Our morning walk on the Harte Trail was very nice. Leaving at 6:30 again, we encountered few people along the way and those few we met were quite friendly.  I can't get over how enthusiastic Holly always is when we're on that trail.  I wish I had her energy.

After returning home, I had my usual breakfast of toast and hummus.  I think I have to add some more variety to my breakfast meals.  Maybe a breakfast drink?  Maybe a smoothie made with fresh fruit, milk, flax seed and protein powder?

I decided to head out to Carman early and run a few errands out there.  The first thing I did was buy a blender to make those smoothies and then the second was to go to the Coop Food Store for some of the ingredients.  I also had to stop by and see Karen at Knockabouts for some items that she had set aside for me.  After that, I had lunch at Tidbit, my weekly (at least) dose of Chinese food.

It was hard not to notice all the flooded fields along the highway, especially close to Brunkild.  It looks very bad right now, with water levels looking like those you'd see at the peak of spring flooding.  My heart goes out to the worst-affected farmers in that area.

Now, that I'm home again, it's time I did a little home and garden work ...