Monday, May 31, 2010

Keeping the Faith

I seem to be coming across many quotations lately that make me think about my life.  I suppose that's good, up to a point.  As long as I don't become obsessed with thinking about myself.  One quote I came across this morning was: faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation (by Elton Trueblood, a Quaker theologian and author).  I won't go into why this quote is so relevant to my life right now.  Suffice it to say that I'm trusting that something very good is going to happen to me one day soon.

Re-establishing a Routine

Holly and I were able to leave at 6:30 this morning for our usual walk along the Harte Trail.  It was even sweeter today because, unlike Saturday's walk, we didn't have to walk through a nearly continuous series of puddles.  I never walk alone because I always have Holly with me.  It's fun to watch her as she frantically tries to sniff at everything along the trail, on both sides, going out and coming back.

The water is receding off the edges of some of the flooded streets in our area, as it slowly all drains away, eventually to the river and, from there, on up into Lake Winnipeg.  The ground water in our area remains high.  Indeed, it's above ground level in the fields around Charleswood.  At home, one of the best sounds I hear is water running into my basement sump.  It's when you don't hear that sound that you know you have a real problem.  That would mean your sump pump is not working.  Not a pleasant thought at all.

Just Dreaming

What is it about the ocean?

Why am I so drawn to stand on the shore of the ocean and look at the waves?  To walk along a sandy beach with the waves almost reaching to my feet?  To pause at a tide pool and look at all the life that is temporarily exposed until it will once again be covered by water?  To breathe in the humid salt air?  To sit and watch the sun slowly set while I listen to the endless series of waves?  To share those feelings with someone else who understands?

There are always two choices...

I found this quote on Flickriver early this morning: "There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy".  It made me think of the choices others I know have made that have affected me.  And, the choices I've made that have affected them.  It seems strange how much we influence the decisions of others and they influence ours, often without our knowledge.  Often, without discussing their feelings with us or our feelings with them.  We really need to sit down and talk more with those who are important to us.  Why do we always take the easy road and leave the other to do the hard thinking, to take the steps alone that should be taken together?  Two together are always stronger than two apart.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Just a Feeling

Ever have that feeling that something is about to happen that may change your life?  I have that feeling right now.  I think I'm in for another big surprise in my life in the coming days.  I've had more than my share of them over the past year.  I have no idea really what this surprise may be.  Will it be good?  Will it be bad?  Will it be from someone I know?  All good questions for which I have no answers yet.  One thing I know: I will have no control over whether or not it will happen.  It will just happen.  However, I think I will have a choice over how I respond to it.  I suppose we always have that choice. I can only hope the surprise is a good one.

More Good Times with Family

This evening, I joined my kids and grand-kids for supper and to celebrate their Mom's birthday.  I'm definitely eating too well lately.  We had a good time.  I really liked the cyclamen plant Mike and Tasha gave to Trudie.  The purple colour was quite beautiful.  It was fun to watch the boyz after they had some birthday cake, especially Alex.  They're energetic normally but give them an extra dose of sugar and look out.  Boy, was Alex ever wound up!  I got tired just watching him run around the living room.  After a couple of hours, I headed home to give Holly a short walk on Civic.  She has her routines and an evening walk is one of them.  Tomorrow, I hope we can get on the Harte Trail again for another long walk.

Air Force Run

Josi and Greg picked me up this morning about 8 and we drove to 17 Wing to participate in the various races.  Greg did the half-marathon, starting a 9, and Josi and I (with the boyz in a stroller) did the 5 km fun run, starting at 10.  It was a brisk walk for Josi and I, doing the 5 km in 60 minutes.  There was some drizzle when we started and again when we finished but the rain held off during our walk.  Everyone who finished got a medal.  Good times with family ...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

More on My Flowers

As indicated in my last post, I took some more photos of the flowers around my home.  I don't know why I call them "my flowers".  Sure, I own them, technically.  But, most of them were planted by other people.  I'm just the caretaker now.  Anyways, I posted some of the better shots to my Facebook page earlier.  For those of you who don't have access to my Facebook photo albums, I thought I would post a couple of the shots here.
Alium flower

Small yellow lady's slipper

Chives in bloom

Just Do It!

I threw caution to the winds, donned my hat and rain coat, and took Holly for our much-needed long walk to Fairmont and back. Leaving the house at 8:30, with the rain coming down in sheets, nearly continuous thunder, and frequent flashes of lightning, we were soaked before we even reached the Harte Trail.  The path was mostly under water but, when your shoes are already wet, that hardly mattered.  It was so good to get out, even if the weather was 'dramatic', to say the least.  Of course, when I got home about an hour later, the rain had stopped.

That gave me the opportunity to do some flower photography.  The shot I most wanted to make was of the first of the lady slippers in bloom.  I'll process my photos later and maybe post one or two here.  Most of my flower shots are posted to one of my Facebook photo albums.

Time now for some breakfast, a fresh cup of coffee and some toast and hummus ...

Just Another Saturday Morning at Mosquito Flats

Lest you think this blog has turned into another cooking blog, I won't write about food for awhile.  I'm too full after yesterday, anyways.  I feel a little lethargic this morning because of all that I ate for supper yesterday and because I haven't had a good long walk in several days.  That will change this morning.  After this second cup of coffee and I get ready, Holly and I are heading down the Harte Trail, hopefully before it starts to rain again!

It is a relatively nice morning so far, no rain yet and the birds are singing outside my window.  The other sound, less pleasant, is my sump pump running every few minutes, as it keeps up with the ground water seeping into the basement sump.  It's fairly obvious to me that this house was built over an underground stream or atop a low, wet area.  Oh, well, on the bright side, I'll never have to deep water the trees here.

I have no great plans for this weekend.  One difference will be that I'll be accompanying Josi and the boyz on a 5 km fun walk tomorrow morning.  It's part of the 2nd Annual Canadian Air Force Run.  Greg is doing the half-marathon race.  The event is to raise money for needy military families.  It's good to do things with family.  It's also good to keep active and busy while I wait for other things to happen in my life.

Now, at 8 a.m., I'm ready to go for a walk.  I planned to leave at 8:30 this morning for the trail.  Now, I don't know.  We're now having another thunderstorm, with pouring rain.  Normally, thunderstorms don't bother me.  Indeed, I usually love watching them move through.  They add some drama to an average day.  But, when they interfere with my walks, for several days running, I get a little angry.  And, this storm has a little hail mixed in, not at all good for my flowers in bloom.  There's nothing I can do about the weather but I must do something about how I react to it.  My plan?  Wait awhile for things to calm down and dress for a walk in the rain.  So, Holly and I get wet.  Big deal ...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Slaving in the Kitchen

I still had a few things to prepare for tonight's supper.  I made two dips for the chicken fingers and pieces: a honey-mustard and a honey-dill dip, both with a mayo base.  The third dip, probably the one "the boyz" will prefer, was dead simple: ketchup.  I also made sure the trout fillets were ready to go in the oven, the lemons were ready for slicing, and so on.  Dessert will be easy.  I was thinking of making a batch of brownies but decided their was enough sweetness in the dips and to just go with fresh strawberries.  Now, I have to figure out what wine Josi will like to go with her meal ... hmm ... I have a bottle of a nice white wine chilling now if she goes that route.  I sure enjoy cooking for my kids and grand-kids.

Cooking Lessons

Chrissy, my niece, came for a lunch of dim sum and then got some cooking lessons as I started preparing some of the components of supper for Josi and family who are coming here tonight.  I showed her how to make caprese salad, using authentic Italian ingredients, panko-breaded chicken fingers and pieces, and a special cheddar cheese/hash browns casserole I make, appropriately spiced.  After that, she left to do her stint in the gym (she's getting back into the rowing club) while I took Holly for a walk in Fraser's Meadow (I should have worn rubber boots; the path is awash with water).

Thunder, Lightning, and Rain

I got up early this morning, looking forward to walking the trail with Holly.  Over my first cup of coffee, at about 5 a.m., while checking for emails and new comments in Facebook, the storm moved in.  It looks like our walk will be delayed for awhile, Holly.  But, we'll be out and about when things settle down.  Eventually, the skies will clear.  Maybe, this morning, I'll give Holly a tick treatment.  I took a couple off of her yesterday.  I hate ticks.  Especially, on my favorite dog.

I found so many great flower images this morning on Flickriver.  The abstract colours in this image just amazed me:  I must do some photography today, rain or not.

I also came across another image, of a beach in Costa Rica, that looked so much like a photo I made  of a beach near Tofino, a place I love, that I wondered if it meant that I should travel there, to this sister beach, perhaps with someone special, someday, perhaps in a year or so?: 

Occasionally, while wandering down Flickriver, I come across a quote that makes me reflect on life.  This morning, listening to the rain outside my window, I came across this one by Henry Van Dyke:  “Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity”,  Sigh ...

Maybe, I'll go make myself another cup of coffee now ...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just Coasting ...

I've taken it pretty easy today, including a nap, to make up for lost sleep last night.  I'm lucky to be able to do that and I know it.  Later, I continued to do more laundry.  Laundry is a bit like a 'to do' list, it never ends.  After a rain shower, I took some time to wander the yard, looking at the new blooms.  Bless the previous owner for her perennial flower bed planning.  I am reaping the rewards of her hard work.  I've also been listening to some of my favorite songs by my favorite singer.  I also took time to edit and print a photo of someone who is very important to me.  Holly didn't suffer from my laziness today.  Although she missed her early morning trail walk, we have been out twice for medium walks through Fraser's Meadow.  I hope to be back on the Harte Trail tomorrow.  Tonight, Mike and his family are coming for supper.  Tomorrow night, Josi and her family will be coming for supper.  I love to plan and cook meals for my kids and to see my grand-kids.  Life is okay ...

Grass Waits for No-One

I checked the Winnipeg weather forecast awhile ago and it's  gloomy: mostly on and off rain for the next five days.  I know the forecasters can get it wrong but usually they're only wrong when they predict that there will be nice weather ahead.  So, looking at my grass, already high after being cut last weekend, I pulled out that damned manual push mower and got to it.  Now, it's done.  I can check that off my list, for a little while ...

I'll be waiting ...

It seems I've spent half my life waiting for something to happen.  That's hard for someone who is not very patient.  But, I have learned through experience that some things are worth waiting for.  It makes them all the more special when they do come.  And, so now I am waiting once again.  Somehow, I know that this time the wait will not be as long as I have allowed it to be in my mind and it will be the most special thing ever to happen to me.

To every thing there is a season ...

Life goes on at 43 Carbutt.  New blooms appear; old blooms fade.  More dandelions appear; the grass grows longer.  The work is never all done.  Perhaps, it's time I looked at my bucket list and walked away from here ... from yesterday.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Head Held High

Although my upper thighs protested, Holly and I hit the trail at 7 this morning to do our usual walk.  There seemed to be more puddles than bare ground along the trail today, as a result of our overnight thunderstorm.  The ditches in  Charleswood are once again full of water and my basement sump pump continues to valiantly try to empty the creek flowing under my house.  But, the sun has come out again and it's a glorious morning.  Windy but wonderful.

Today's plan?  This morning, I hope to do a little more flower photography.  Although it's very windy, I'm sure there will be some flowers that will be sheltered a bit.  Besides, sometimes motion can add to a photo.  We'll see.  I also need to do some more flower bed clean-up.  And, despite my war on dandelions over the weekend, I see some new ones have shown themselves.  I guess battling these weeds will be a summer-long job.  Should be easy to get them out of the wet flower beds today.  This evening, I'm having dinner with a friend.  Something I'm really looking forward to.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Time Machines

I read a quote by Jeremy Irons this morning: "We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they're called memories. Some take us forward, they're called dreams".  And, like many worthy quotations, it made me think.  Someday, I may write about some of my memories and my dreams in this blog.  But, not now.  I might simply, over time, write a memory/dream book and make a copy for each of my kids.  And, leave the copies for them to read after I'm gone.  Sounds like a plan!

Creatures of Habit

I'm referring to me and my dog.  This morning, we got up and I made coffee while Holly enjoyed her morning ration of milk bones.  After a couple of cups of coffee (while I checked my emails, looked at the new comments on Facebook, and added some new flower photos to one of my Facebook albums), I finally got the energy to shave, shower, and dress.  Holly knows that, as soon as that happens, we'll soon be out the door and headed over to the Harte Trail for our morning walk.

The trail was quieter than I thought it would be this morning, considering that we didn't get on it until about 7:30 a.m.  I suppose a lot of people slept in on this holiday Monday, Victoria Day.  It was kind of dreary out this morning but, at least, it was dry.  The rain is supposed to start early this afternoon.  Sigh.  I much prefer the sunshine.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Following the Thread Some More

I spent the afternoon puttering around home.  Used up a bit of time exchanging emails with a couple of close friends.  Also, commenting back and forth with friends and relatives on Facebook.  The Internet sure shrinks the world and speeds up our communications.  I also got the weekly vacuuming done, pulled a few more weeds, did some laundry, did the dishes, etc.  But, I did take some time to smell the flowers, too!  I still can't get over this great weather.  It's such a pleasure to wander around the yard on a day like this.  What next?  Well, judging by the look I'm getting from Holly, I see another walk in my future.

A Gorgeous Day

It may have started out a little wet but it has turned out to be a fabulous day.  Sunny, warm, and breezy.  It's funny how the weather can affect our outlook on life.  I don't know how those people in the Vancouver area survive.  Nice place to visit, especially in the middle of a cold Winnipeg winter, but give me the prairies any day!

And, although I really like small-town, rural Manitoba, I'm very happy where I live now, in the Charleswood area of Winnipeg.  So many of the people I've met in this area are friendly.  It really is like a community.  And, because I live on a cul-de-sac, it's even better because most of the people on my quiet little street are extra-friendly and helpful with their neighbours.  Life is very good.

On the Trail after Sunrise This Time

It was hard to get excited about going for a walk this morning because, when I woke up, it was raining.  But, Holly convinced me to take her.  Just as Holly and I returned home from our walk in the drizzle, the winds came up and blew away the clouds.  I'm now enjoying a beautiful sunny morning here in Charleswood.  So nice, in fact, that I got out my camera gear and photographed some of the flowers around my home.

Today, I have no firm plans other than to enjoy the day and putter around, inside and outside.  I might even finish the book that I'm reading (The Gargoyle) and have a nap.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

On the Trail at Sunrise

Sunrise was at 5:35 a.m. today in Winnipeg.  I thought I'd get out walking early, before the predicted rain resumes.  Also, because I had been awake for some time anyways.  And, because Holly is ready to go for a walk at any time!  And, to minimize the number of people I'd see along the way.  This morning's walk was good.  On the way to the Harte Trail, it was nice to breathe the rain-washed air and listen to the birds singing, especially the robins.  Holly got excited a few times when she saw some cottontails, scurrying across people's lawns.

Despite last evening's light showers, the trail was relatively dry and I did not encounter many people at this hour.  The usual walk gave me some extra time to think.  I thought of one friend in particular.  But, I also thought about some of my other friends, near and far, and the differences between them.  Everyone is different, of course.  That's one of the things that makes life so interesting.  I thought too of some of the friends who have come and gone in my life.  I regret losing some of those old friendships.  I know you have to work at friendships, especially the ones you value the most.  Now that I'm sitting here in front of my computer screen, writing this, I'm finding my thoughts are wandering a bit as different friends come to mind.  Maybe, that's a sign I should stop for now and come back to this post later, maybe after some breakfast.

Listening to Eva Cassidy singing on my stereo right now, thoughts that are very personal are overpowering my mind and I cannot write about them here.  So, I'll end this morning's  post now.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Supper for one ...

After Cantonese chow mien for lunch At Tidbit in Carman, I tried to figure out what to make for supper for myself.  Luckily, I had all the necessary ingredients on hand for my comfort food: Szechuan chicken and stir-fried vegetables, tasty and nutritious.  I certainly got my dose of green vegetables today.  And, after supper?  A good book to read.  Oh, yes.  After giving Holly a short walk.


It was great to drive out to Carman this morning, checking out the fields along the way.  Most farmers along the highway have finished seeding and, I suppose, are looking forward to the rain predicted over the next few days.  Many fields are showing green already and the crops are starting to come along.  Here's hoping the growers have a good year.

On this trip, I visited with Alex Stow (missed Pam, again) who was potting up a myriad number and variety of annual plants.  He told me about the piliated woodpecker that came back to one of his nut feeders again.  Very few people ever see that.  I saw it happen only once while I lived near Carman.  I also picked up some groceries at the Coop Food Store and visited with some of the staff there.  Also bought some garden tools at Coop Hardware and, to round things off, gas at the Coop Gas Bar.  The best part of this visit was having lunch with Karen (my guardian angel ... it's a long story).  We had a great conversation about families and friendships and all sorts of other topics.

Recharged from my time in Carman, I headed back to the city to tend my dog.  She was not too pleased at having to wait for her mid-day meal.

And, that's when the rain showers began in Winnipeg.  At least, I won't have to water the flower beds this weekend.

Mornings are Best

During this spell of unusually warm weather in Winnipeg, it's a pleasure to be out on the trail before most people have gotten up.  Holly and I picked up our pace a bit this morning, knocking at least 5 minutes off the time it usually takes us to do do our trip to Fairmont and return.  Not bad considering that we stopped a couple of times to greet other trail walkers and their dogs.  It was cooler and cloudier this morning.  Did I hear right?  Some rain is predicted over the weekend.  That's not going to make some people happy on this, the traditional first holiday, weekend of the summer season.

Later this morning, I'll be off to Carman to run a few errands and have lunch with a friend there.  Looking forward to that.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Prairie Ink

Sometimes, the thought of making supper for yourself is unappetizing.  Tonight was one of those times.  So, grabbing my cell phone, Moleskine diary, pen and other assorted essentials in my bag, I headed over to Grant Park for a meal at Prairie Ink, part of McNally-Robinson Booksellers.  I thoroughly enjoyed their excellent crab cakes and a spinach fruit salad (and an Imperial Cookie!).  Then, I headed back home feeling full and refreshed from my little outing.  Sometimes, you just have to treat yourself to something special.

Holly tells me it's now time for her short evening walk.  Until tomorrow ...


While doing the Harte Trail this morning with Holly, I realized that I am now totally addicted to walking.  Although my distance has remained much the same now for several weeks, I'm currently walking faster and taking longer strides.  Partly, this is because I'm in much better shape than I was about five months ago, when I started.  But, I think, lately, I've added an aerobic component to my walks and I'm getting more endorphins released into my body each day I continue.  And, as Martha would say, this is a good thing.

Today's walk was almost a repeat of yesterday, except I seemed have more of a spring in my step.  I even stopped a couple of times to talk briefly with two of the people I met on the trail yesterday.  A different group of people seem to walk or jog with their dogs are different set times.  It seems the really early walkers are a friendlier lot, perhaps because they see so few people on the trail that early.  I quite enjoy doing my long walks at sunrise.  It's a special time of day.  I would prefer walking with someone but you can't always have what you want.

Another Day Begins

Another day begins early at Mosquito Flats ...  For some reason, I have had no need for much sleep lately.  Four hours seems to be my daily limit.  It seems strange to me, because, a year ago, I often needed twice that, at least.  Maybe, it's because of changes in my life style or maybe it's the long walks I do daily now.  I guess it really doesn't matter and it may not even last.  Time will tell.  The extra time awake certainly gives me more time to think, to reflect on my life, and to do things that need to be done and to do things I enjoy.  I'm grateful for this opportunity to pack more into a day, to reflect and to plan, to live and to learn, and to think and to remember.  One of the lessons I'm learning, actually I've been forced to learn over the past few months, is to go slow and to go with the flow of events in my life.  I've also had to realize that life is not all about what I want; it's also about what others who are important to me want.  I have to live with the choices that they make as well as the dreams that I have or that I had.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Live Love Laugh

Several people have encouraged me to keep writing in this blog, so I will.  Yesterday was yesterday.  Today is today.  I’m feeling much better today. I don’t even have a headache from those two bottles of wine I consumed.  After a few hours of sleep, I woke up very early this morning, feeling refreshed, and with my perspective restored. I think over the events of the past week and I just shake my head. It’s all really quite unbelievable.  And that's all I'll say about that.

Holly and I had our usual walk this morning, only about an hour or so earlier than normal, to minimize our encounters with others on the trail.  It was a beautiful morning, cool and sunny with wonderfully blue skies.  The few people that we met along the way were all very friendly.  We even stopped and I talked briefly with a couple of the people, as we admired each other's dogs and the great weather this morning.  I think this was the nicest morning, weather-wise, we've had so far this year.

When I got home and noticed how the early morning sun was illuminating some of my flowers, I just had to get out my camera and photograph some of the blooms and blossoms.  Some of the flowers seemed to be glowing.  I'll probably post some of my shots on my Flickr and Facebook pages later tonight.  I could not help but be very happy and marvel at the beauty all around me this morning.  I am so lucky to live where I do.

All of the above things this morning combined to make me feel very good.  I am reminded of a quote by Eleanora Duse: "if the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things in nature have a message you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive".  This morning, my soul was both alive and filled with joy.  What a difference a day makes.

My day continued to get better as, later in the morning, my friend Chrissy came over for lunch.  We talked on the deck for a couple of hours about life and all of its twists and turns.  I gave Chrissy a tour of my flower gardens.  We marvelled at how many different flowers are blooming right now and that this is just the start of a summer long parade of perennial flowers.  Chrissy also showed me her photos and video of her playing with dolphins from her recent holiday.  Yes, doing that myself is on my bucket list, too!  Afterwards, we enjoyed some of my famous chicken vegetable soup/stew, with fresh pumpernickel bread.  Her visit seemed way too short.

This evening, I'm off to supper with members of the Entomological Society of Manitoba where we will welcome some new members into the Society.  It should be a fun filled and entertaining evening.  Life is good.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Day

Last night, I drove over to St. Vital Park to watch my grandson Matt play soccer.  He's only 4.5 years old but he seems to really enjoy it.  His father, Greg, is one of the coaches.  I took some photos of him in his uniform, chatting with team-mates, doing stretching exercises, and kicking the ball around.  Memories are made of these times.

Another day, another walk along the Harte Trail to start it. Holly and I did our "usual" walk to Fairmont and back. Today's early morning weather was nearly perfect: 12 degrees, sunny, a slight breeze, and clear skies.  It felt good to resume going my usual distance after yesterday's break from routine.

Later in the morning, my day went down hill fast.  Let's just say I may never be the same again, after I read the note that appeared in my mail box.  I think I may have to take a break from writing in this blog for awhile, until, hopefully, I recover.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Twas a Good Day

Holly and I set a new walking record together on Sunday morning, doing the trail all the way to Shaftsbury and back, a 15 km stroll.  Both of us were pooped for awhile after that.  I guess I was just trying to prove to myself that I could go that distance.

Vladimyr visited in the afternoon, bringing with him some Chinese goodies from Maxum's Bakery for a late lunch.  It was good to sit with him in the shaded part of the deck and talk about some technical aspects of photography.  There are some kinds of photography where our interests completely overlap and we get excited about discussing them and getting back to them, especially nature and macro photography.

It was a very good day, one I'll remember for years to come ...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Time to Pot Vegetable Seedlings

Up very early again (sigh).  I went through the latest images on Flickriver and, as I often do, got spun off to the photosets of some great photographers.  For some reason, I have been drawn, lately, to exceptional images that are accompanied by thought-provoking words, often famous quotes.  This morning, I was drawn to some rather melancholy phrases and they caused me some distress.  But, after some introspection and doing some writing, I came out of it okay, more or less.

A walk with Holly down the Harte Trail to Fairmont and back helped me as well.  Even early in the morning, today, the trail was busy with cyclists, walkers, joggers, and fellow dog walkers.  It made me appreciate my early morning walks during the week when it is much quieter.

Later, I drove over to Grant Park and did some window-shopping.  It was also a hive of activity.  Somehow, I escaped from the mall with no money being spent.

It was too hot this afternoon (~ 26 degrees and sunny) to do any vigorous yard work so I spent most of my time potting up the tomatoes, parsley, basil, and cilantro that I bought from Vanderveen's a couple of days ago.  These veggies all went into pots on my deck, handy to the kitchen.  Tomorrow, I hope to mow the grass and continue working in my flower beds, doing some more clean-up.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Blossom Time

I was trying to think of a word or two to describe my day.  The words 'blossom time' came to mind because they're appearing everywhere on trees and shrubs in Winnipeg today.  All along the Harte Trail this morning, blossoms were obvious on the chokecherries and saskatoons.  The same was true in yards along the streets I walked and, of course, my own yard.  Can the hummingbirds and orioles be far behind?

This morning, Margaret and I walked to Fairmont and back, our usual walk on the Harte Trail.  Holly and Mollie have walked so much together with us, over the past couple of months or so, that they are best friends now.  It's great walking between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. when there are very few people on the trail.

This morning, after breakfast, I gave in and had a nap.  I try to avoid naps these days but, every once in awhile, I know that I should have one to re-energize myself.  For the rest of the day, I puttered around the house and yard, just doing things that I knew needed to be done.  It's surprising how much I can get done that way.

After supper, Holly and I dropped off some music CDs at Margaret's place and then Holly and I continued our walk around the block.  Our total distance walked today was a little over 5 miles.  And, I must admit it, my legs feel it right now.  I keep hoping that, if I do this every day, the soreness will eventually go away.

Now, it's time to read my book.  I'm currently reading Andrew Davidson's novel, "The Gargoyle".  It's a hard read about a burn victim.  Almost as hard a read as Lawrence Hill's "The Book of The Negroes" which I recently finished.  But, both books are well worth reading.  Until tomorrow ...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

To Carman and Return

I had a nice drive out to Carman, through some light drizzle.  Where did this rain come from?  I don't recall it being predicted.  My first stop was to visit Alex and Pam and drop off some novels I've read for their enjoyment.  Pam, unfortunately, was out visiting some of her friends.  My last visit was about a month ago so it was great to sit down with Alex and chat for awhile.

After that visit, I went over to the Carman Coop to pick up some groceries and say hello to some of my friends there.  I was surprised that the cashier still remembered my Coop number.  Where else would that ever happen?!  I miss seeing all the friendly people there since I moved to Winnipeg a year ago.  At least, I can still visit them now and again.

Next, I visited my good friend (and guardian angel!) Karen at Knockabouts to say hello and buy some new clothes.  She and Kelly were fairly busy with customers so I didn't stay too long.  I went to nearby Tidbit to wait for Denis and Gwen to join me for lunch.  Kim and I chatted until they arrived.  When they came, we caught up on each other's news.  It's always a treat to visit with these good people.  We've known each other for many, many years now.

After lunch, I went over to Vanderveen's for some plants.  At this time of year, going to Vanderveen's is like going to a candy store for gardeners.  They've got all their spring plants out now, including annuals, perennials, and vegetables.  I bought my requisite two big patio tomato plants for the deck containers, plus some cilantro, parsley, and basil.  Then, I quickly left before I was tempted to over-spend on more greenery.

I headed home to unpack my goodies and assure Holly everything was okay, I was back and I wasn't leaving her.  I also prepared her a late meal while she patiently stood there and drooled all over the kitchen floor (sigh).

Early to Rise

I'm too embarrassed to say when I got up this morning.  Suffice it to say, I'm sure no-one I know was up at that time.  I spent the wee hours at my computer, looking at Facebook and Flickriver, while listening to k.d. lang sing from her Recollections double CD set.  She is such a great singer.  Not a bad way to start the day.  Now, at 5:30 a.m., It's time to start getting ready for my 6:30 walk along the Harte Trail.  Yes, it does takes awhile for me to get ready.

Half way between Community and Harstone, on the Harte Trail, I spotted Margaret and Molly in the distance.  She had left about 15-20 minutes earlier than Holly and I and so she was on her way back.  I, of course, made a U-turn so we could walk together for awhile.  Holly and I will have to do another walk later today to make up our distance regime.

Think I'll head down south today, all the way to Carman, to visit some old friends and run some errands there.  I haven't been there for several weeks so I'm starting to miss the old town.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nothing But Blue Skies

What a difference a day makes.  This morning, dawn brought clear, blue skies.  Holly and I were joined on our walk along the Harte Trail today by Margaret and Mollie.  We haven't walked together for awhile so it was kind of special.  It is much better to walk with a good friend than to walk alone.  Afterwards, Margaret walked on to her nearby home to get ready for work and I headed back to my place to continue looking at images on Flickriver, over another cup of coffee.  It was a great way to start a new day.

My big job today is to 'put away more stuff'.  There are still a few boxes sitting around, from my move from Carman last year, that need to be gone through and the contents either put in their proper place or taken to the Sally Ann.  I know I won't get through them all today but I need to do some of them.  I've also got all sorts of receipts and financial information that have accumulated over the past couple of months that need to be filed and stored.  I'd better get busy on those tasks right now!

I did spend a fair bit of time on my financial stuff.  Something I don't enjoy at all!  But, it's a necessary evil and it does tend to make me stick closer to my budget.  And, as Martha would say, that's a good thing.  I also spent a little time planning the days and weeks ahead, especially the May long weekend.

The blue skies of morning changed to the cloudy skies of afternoon.  At least, they're bright, cloudy skies.  I headed over to Grant Park Shopping Centre to wander through McNally-Robinson, one of my favorite haunts there, to Pearle Vision to get my computer glasses repair (just a missing screw), and the Koya place for some Chinese food.  I admit it, I was too lazy to cook my own meal tonight.  At McN.-R, I picked up a copy of the latest k.d. lang album, a compilation of her greatest hits.  I'm looking forward to listening to her singing again.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Highly Variable Weather Today

We had some light rain overnight and this morning, delaying our walk down the Harte Trail today.  Holly and I left for the Trail when the skies brightened.  I'm very fortunate to be able to go for walks whenever conditions are good.  I feel sorry for the 9-to5'ers who cannot do so.

It's easy to overdress with our recent weather conditions.  Under sunny, warm and humid conditions, I had to carry my rain coat on the return walk home.  Watching the sides of the trails, I noticed some of the wildflowers are coming along nicely.  No blooms have appeared yet but they should soon.  I'm looking forward to taking my close-up camera gear along when the flowering starts.  I've already mapped out in my mind the spots I want to visit.

Today, Holly and I watched five does cross  about 100 yards in front of us.  No doubt these deer were heading back into the nearby woods to rest and digest after their night of feasting on home gardens in Charleswood.  As if the cottontails aren't bad enough!

I had a hard time deciding what to do today, mainly because of the variable weather.  I considered flower photography but it was too breezy when I went out and looked at some flowers.  So, I decided to do more housework.  There always seems to be dishes and laundry to do so I started those chores.  Then, off to the Charleswood Library for another bag of mysteries and on from there to the Safeway for some serious grocery shopping.  Those errands meant a late lunch for me.

Just before lunch, the winds whipped up and storm clouds moved overhead.  After lunch, I caught up on a few emails and noticed it was sunny again.  Yes, highly variable weather.  Guess, I'll continue working inside because, if I go outside, it'll probably start to rain.  Until later, then ...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Comfort Food

Tonight, I prepared my own version of comfort food: melt-in-your-mouth Szechuan chicken pieces, stir-fried vegetables, and noodles.  Yes, of course, I made enough so there would be enough left-overs for tomorrow night.  It was very good, if I don't say so myself.  Next on my agenda, before I settle into my latest book, is to take Holly for a short evening walk.

Unusual Occurrence

After puttering around the house most of the morning, mostly just putting away stuff, I fed Holly and myself and then we wandered down the Harte Trail to Fairmont and return, our usual walk.  A weird thing happened along the trail today: I met three woman out walking, one with an infant, and I saw three does in the woods, one with a fawn.  Yes, very strange ...  Anyways, we had a good walk and both of us seem to be a little tuckered out.  I may follow Holly's lead (so to speak) and have a little nap soon.

Whatever the Weather

I've been around long enough to know that you have to take the bad with the good, that even this dreary, rainy, morning will eventually just be a memory and that the sun will soon be shining again.  But, it took an email from a close friend this morning to shake me out of my melancholy.  Now, I can get on with my day with a smile in my heart.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lots of Threads to Follow

All sorts of things got done today at 43 Carbutt.  Working in the flower beds, I continued to remove old vegetation, nearly finishing.  When you finally get tired of it and put away your gear, you look around and then you see some "more stuff" that needs to be cleaned up yet. The same holds true inside my home.  You putter away and say 'enough for now' and then immediately notice all the other things needing to be done.  Oh, well, it'll be still there tomorrow.

Remembering I had to meet Mike and Tasha at King's Park to take some family photos for them, I took Holly for a quick, short walk and then got my camera gear ready.  Of course, when I got into my vehicle, I noticed I was low on gas so had to take care of that first.  Then, I headed to the park only to discover I was thinking of the wrong park.  So, I found the hidden city map and headed off again, this time to the right park.

When I got there, a little frazzled and late, the picture-taking was almost already all done.  There was no shortage of family photographers on hand and I wasn't really needed.  But, it was good to see everyone and I ended up getting invited over to Sarah and Arnaud's home with Mike and Tasha for coffee and snacks (read: a mini-supper; thanks again, folks!).  Mike showed me his new home enroute to the Guillemard's.  After a nice visit there, I headed home again.  Holly was so happy to see me, docked tail going like crazy.  She must have thought I'd deserted her.  It's so good to be welcomed home by your dog.

I checked my phone and my computer for messages and emails but there were none.  Not surprising on Mother's Day, I guess, when everyone is busy visiting and or being visited.  Now, I'm going to find my book and read for awhile.  It seems like its been a very long day.

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!  I wish I could say that to my own Mom right now but, sad to say, that's no longer possible.

Holly and I started our day with our usual early walk, only about 4 miles today.  We may do another long walk later.  We'll have to wait and see.  My son has challenged me to start doing daily 10 km (6.2 miles) walks.  Hmmm ... I think I will accept that challenge but I'll do a few more 5 mile walks first and work up to the 6.2 mile ones.

Today will be another one of those "follow the thread" type of days, I think.  I'll start by just choosing something from my 'to do' list and move on from there.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Celebrations 2

What a great get-together we enjoyed at Trudie's earlier, celebrating Josi's birthday.  Of course, some of us ate too much of the good food Trudie always prepares.  I won't say who but I may have to do two long walk tomorrow to compensate for tonight's meal.  It was good to see my kids and grand-kids again.  Hardly a week passes when you don't see some growth changes in them. They grow up too fast!  Back home again, I gave Holly another short walk before covering my potted outdoor plants (slight risk of frost tonight).


During the afternoon, I drove over to the local mall, bought a few groceries, picked up a couple of bottles of wine, and headed back home.  One bottle of white wine was for my new wine rack; the other was for tonight's supper, when we'll celebrate Josi's 35th birthday at Trudie's.  How did she get to be 35 so fast?  She sure looks a lot younger than that!  I also had a nice nap, something I don't usually do anymore.  It was needed though; I was up much too early this morning.  What I would give to sleep normally.  I can't even imagine sleeping 8 hours in a row anymore.

One of the photos from my early walk with Holly was good enough to post.  It's hard to get a good shot using a small point-and-shoot with a dog tugging on one hand.

Early Start to the Day

While most same people were sleeping this morning, I was up in the middle of the night, scanning images and sets of images via Flickr River, and enjoying my coffee.  Resigned to being an early riser, I decided to head down the Harte Trail with my bouvier for our ritual morning walk, rather than go back to bed for an hour or so for some more sleep.  Today, we walked all the way to Elmhurst and back, a distance of 5 miles, our longest walk of the year, so far.  I must say, after that walk, it was nice to sit down in a comfortable chair, put my feet up, and have another cup of java.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Another Busy Day Comes to a Close

I had a busy afternoon.  After a special lunch with Marg, which we thoroughly enjoyed, I drove over to Shelmerdines to collect my gift card left at the office for me by Mike and Tasha.  After wandering around, looking at all sorts of enticing plants, I checked out the gift shop there and found a great wooden wine rack that was perfect for my dining room.  Okay, okay.  I also bought a nice glass vase I wanted for cut flowers and a dandelion fork.

Back home, I cut some fresh tulips from one of the flower beds for that vase and I put my small collection of wines in the rack.  Obviously, I need more bottles of wine!  I then buckled down and did the dishes, vacuuming, and washed the floors.  How can one man and his dog get things so dirty?  After supper, I took Holly for her short walk of the day and covered the big pots of flowers outside (-3 predicted tonight).

Now, it's time to relax, read a few chapters of my latest mystery novel, and get to bed early.  Tomorrow looks like it's going to be another busy day.

My Favorite Daughter's Birthday

Yesterday, my kids had me over for a great birthday supper.  Mike and Tasha hosted the event and we had a fine meal.  We also celebrated the fact that Josi and Greg will begin building their new home in LaSalle and that Mike and Tasha just bought a new home in Fort Richmond.  Today, it's Josi's birthday.  Have a good one, Josi.  Tomorrow, we'll gather to celebrate her birthday with a dinner prepared by her mother, Trudie.  A week ago, Trudie put on a similar dinner where we celebrated Mike's birthday.  So much is happening this month.

This morning, Holly and I went out for our walk very early.  From about 6 to 7 a.m., we did the Varsity View circuit, a longer walk than normal.  At least, it was slightly warmer this morning (4 or 5 degrees above freezing when we left).  Holly really seems to enjoy these early morning walks.  Later, this morning, I'll be meeting with someone special at Dacquisto's to have lunch.  Life continues to be good!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Just Another Day

Holly and I took advantage of the sunny weather early this morning to get in our long walk of the day.  Although it was cold (we had frost overnight), the brilliant sunshine made our walk a great way to start just another day.

Well, because this is my birthday, I suppose it's not just another day.  I feel blessed this week because I have received so many good wishes from my family and friends, from near and far.  I am do fortunate to be cared about by so many people.  Life is good ...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Art Fills My Soul

While running various errands this afternoon, I took time to visit the art gallery at the Mennonite Heritage Centre to see the current exhibit, called "sense of place".  The exhibit, running from 1 May to 19 June, includes the works of 10 artists, called the Buffalo Creek Artists, who live in the Rhineland area of Manitoba.  The works range from photography, to acrylic paintings, metal sculptures, to batik and other fabric art, to fired clay.  Most of the works reflected rural life.  I don't think I've ever seen a collection of works before that I enjoyed as much as this.  I felt like my soul had be refilled.  Maybe, that reflects my love of rural Manitoba.  For more information on the gallery, see

One of the other things I did was go to McNally-Robinson Booksellers to pickup some Eva Cassidy CDs I had ordered.  Listening to her now, I continue to marvel at her great singing voice and the songs that she sings.

Good Times with Friends

Bill and Dana picked me up to take me out for my birthday lunch at a surprise location.  It turned out to be Inferno's in St. Boniface, a favorite place to go for many Winnipeggers.  Good friends, good food, and good conversations.  We haven't seen each other for about 3 months, so it was good to catch up on each others lives.  They're happy to be back in the Peg, after a great, month-long, road trip out to Victoria and back.  Listening to them talk about the things they did and saw made me really want to go re-visit Vancouver Island, one of my favorite areas of this big country of ours.

Cold, Rainy Morning

The windy, wet, and cold weather this morning cut short what I had hoped would be a pleasant walk this morning.  After slogging through the puddles along the path through Fraser's Meadow, towards the Harte Trail, I decided to turn back.  I'm dedicated to walking but not to suffering needlessly.  Tomorrow will hopefully be a better day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Another Great Day

Some days are better than others.  Expecting a cold, wet morning, I was pleasantly surprised.  After getting myself a haircut, I took Holly down the trail, doing our usual walk to Fairmont and back, in sunshine and warmth.  Many other people had the same idea.  The trail was crowded with walkers, dogs, cyclists, and new mothers with their babies in strollers or carry packs.

Back home, both my physical mailbox by my door and my virtual mailbox on my computer brought me special greetings.  They made my day.  After lunch, I started to tackle a new and, hopefully, better batch of cookies for my family and friends.  I wasn't at all that pleased with the chocolate chip cookies that I made last night.  This time, I decided to make ginger bend cookies.  I'm going to stop typing this draft now so they have my undivided attention.  ... (pause) ...   The cookies are now done and packaged up for sharing with some special people in my life.  This batch turned out well.  Possibly my best batch yet.

It's mid-afternoon now and the weather isn't so great now.  The sky has clouded over and it looks like it could start to rain at any minute.  I got a few minutes of yard work done before it started sprinkling.  After that, I continued with some cleaning up around the house and doing some laundry.  A man's work around the home is never done!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cookies, anyone?

This afternoon, I was invited to visit with Rilla and Lorne at the local Legion to get reacquainted.  It was good to talk about old times at the City and catch up on the news of what has happened with various mutual friends.  They're active in the Legion and invited me to join.  We'll see.

After my supper and giving Holly a short walk, I decided I should bake some cookies for my kids and grand-kids.  So, I'm in the midst of making some chocolate chip cookies right now.  Unfortunately, I must have done something wrong because they spread out on the baking sheet too much.  I think it might be because I used large eggs and I should have used medium ones.  Oh, well.  They taste good and I'm sure the kids won't care what they look like.  They love my home-made cookies (and gorp bars and brownies).  Maybe, tomorrow, I'll make some gorp bars as back-up treats.

Come What May

The title of my post this morning seems appropriate to my reflections on my life as Holly and I walked the Harte Trail, all the way to the Varsity View Sports complex.  I was so deep in thought, I was rather surprised to see how far we had gone.

Although I review and revise my personal goals every few months, I fully realize that some of the things that I want to do or want to happen in my life are beyond my control, especially if other people are involved in those plans.  No-one knows that better than me, right now.  I have learned to 'go with the flow' over the past six months or so.

While contemplating my future plans this morning, I recognized that some things I want to do this year will depend on whether or not someone else shares my goals.  And, I know that is very uncertain right now.  So, I became wrapped up in an assortment of "what if" scenarios as I walked along the trail.  After awhile, my body was walking in a more-or-less straight line but my mind was going in circles.  I realized that I would just have to put some of my plans and dreams 'on hold' until certain things became clearer.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Holly and I are just back from our usual walk along the Harte Trail to Fairmont and back home.  For those interested, it is part of the Trans Canada Trail and runs through a narrow strip of wilderness on an old railway bed.  Its name is taken from the Harte Line, the first section of Grand Trunk Pacific Railway built in western Canada in 1894.  Here's what it looked like this morning, after some overnight rain.

Our return trip home this morning was through light rain showers.  Once we turned onto Carbutt, of course, the rain fizzled out and the skies brightened.


I was pleasantly surprised yesterday, after paying for my groceries at Safeway, to hear someone call out my name.  It was Rilla, from my days at the City's Parks and Recreation Department.  We hadn't seen each other for 10 or 15 years.  She and her husband are also retired and now live nearby, here in Charleswood.  I'm still a bit stunned to have met her by chance like that.  I guess it really is a small world.

In the evening, after giving Holly a "medium-long" walk around the fields near Fraser's Meadow, I settled down to posting my latest flower photos to my Flickr and Facebook pages.  The photos are not as good as I had hoped but, considering the wet conditions under which they were taken, not too bad either.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wonderful Wet Weather

Lots of rain early last night: (9/10s of an inch since the rains began!).  Good for the gardens and lawns around the city.  I happily joined Mike and Tasha and grand-daughter, Katie, for an impromptu supper out at a local restaurant last night.  None of us was in the mood for cooking supper, I guess.  We enjoyed the food and service there.  Amazing, the amount of food that some restaurants pile onto a plate these days.  The servers were quite taken by Katie's smiles.

Early this morning, my favorite cousin, Barb, and I exchanged emails, solving all of the world's problems (well, one or two, anyways).  One of these days, Barb and I are going to have to visit each other.  Living in different provinces, we haven't seen each other in about 30 or 35 years.  However, we have corresponded intermittently all those years.  Maybe there'll be a family reunion in our future?

Later, noting that it wasn't raining yet, I took Holly down the Harte Trail.  We met Margaret and Molly quite unexpectedly and walked together for awhile.  Holly and Molly seem to have become quite good friends.  Home, again, I caught up on some boring but necessary housework.

Before heading off to buy some needed groceries, I noticed the sky had brightened so I grabbed my camera gear and finally photographed some of the rain-bedraggled flowers around the house.  The groceries can wait!  I hope to post some of these photos to my new Flickr page later today.  If you're interested, you can check the flower shots out at or on my Facebook page.