Friday, May 14, 2010

Blossom Time

I was trying to think of a word or two to describe my day.  The words 'blossom time' came to mind because they're appearing everywhere on trees and shrubs in Winnipeg today.  All along the Harte Trail this morning, blossoms were obvious on the chokecherries and saskatoons.  The same was true in yards along the streets I walked and, of course, my own yard.  Can the hummingbirds and orioles be far behind?

This morning, Margaret and I walked to Fairmont and back, our usual walk on the Harte Trail.  Holly and Mollie have walked so much together with us, over the past couple of months or so, that they are best friends now.  It's great walking between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. when there are very few people on the trail.

This morning, after breakfast, I gave in and had a nap.  I try to avoid naps these days but, every once in awhile, I know that I should have one to re-energize myself.  For the rest of the day, I puttered around the house and yard, just doing things that I knew needed to be done.  It's surprising how much I can get done that way.

After supper, Holly and I dropped off some music CDs at Margaret's place and then Holly and I continued our walk around the block.  Our total distance walked today was a little over 5 miles.  And, I must admit it, my legs feel it right now.  I keep hoping that, if I do this every day, the soreness will eventually go away.

Now, it's time to read my book.  I'm currently reading Andrew Davidson's novel, "The Gargoyle".  It's a hard read about a burn victim.  Almost as hard a read as Lawrence Hill's "The Book of The Negroes" which I recently finished.  But, both books are well worth reading.  Until tomorrow ...

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