Saturday, December 5, 2015


Due to recent cutbacks, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off. Thank you, Mr. Harper. Maybe things will change with the Liberals. Maybe not.

Margaret and I celebrated our 4th anniversary on the 3rd of December remotely, using Facetime. She is going on a Disney cruise with Sara, her niece. Right about now, they're boarding the ship in Miami for a week in the Caribbean. She's going to miss my grand-son Alex's 8th birthday tomorrow. I'll take pictures to show her when she comes home late in the evening on December 12th.

It should be an interesting week, with me home alone with Mollie and Gus, our dogs. They're pals.

Gus, our golden retriever puppy, is growing bigger so fast. He's full of energy and mischief.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Game of Chess

There's a Chinese proverb that says "Life is like a game of chess, changing with every move".  I've tried playing chess numerous times over my many years.  I've never been good at it.  I've even played chess on my computer, choosing the lowest novice level.  The computer always won, no matter how many times I tried.  I suppose I never understood the logic of making moves.  Oh, well, the game at least makes you think and keeps your grey cells moving.  It also reminds me to live in the moment.

Go Someplace New

"Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before" (Dalai Lama).  This is just one of 21 rules for good living stated by the Dalai Lama's Rules for Living.  See

He really shows his wisdom in these "rules".  This is a very thought-provoking summary of good living.  I keep reading through them and find myself thinking about something new for each one.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Everyone Seems Sick of Winter

As I look at the top pf this page and see my Escape parked in the driveway, I long for spring. I see the new leaves on the trees and shrubs and pots full of plants in front of the garage door, soaking up the sun's heat.

I think of the flower leaves and buds breaking the soil's surface in our flower beds.

Happiness will be the arrival of spring ...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

So tired of the cold weather ...

It's 6:00 a.m. CST, Thursday 19 February 2015. The temperature is -30 C; the windchill is -40 C. As if we didn't know, Environment Canada has issued another extreme cold warning.

My garage/man-cave is steady at about 17 C. That's with the garage heater going full blast. Thank goodness, I have thermal driwear and a fleece from Cabela's and a coffee hot plate to keep off the chill. The dogs had to be fed and given their morning treats before I could enter my retreat.

Unfortunately, they won't get their morning walk today. It's simply too frigging cold for them (and the walker). They'll have to be satisfied with a quick dash out in the backyard this morning again.

I feel sorry for anyone having to work outdoors today. Even the guys emptying our garbage and recycle bins. At least it's from the cabs of their special trucks. The garbage bins on our bay our now being emptied, complete with lots of beeping as they maneuver their truck around the sharp end of our bay. Life goes on, even in the extreme cold.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Life is what you make of it ...

... Harry Gordon Selfridge. Famous of course, for Selfridges and Co., of London. He also was famous for the Chicago department store, Marshall Wells. He coined the phrase, 'only so many days left before Christmas', encouraging people to shop early.

Much later, after losing his fortune because of a fondness for fashionable women and a related gambling addiction, he died penniless.

Yet, Selfridges is now back, thanks to the Westons of Canada. Selfridges continues on.

Many members of the wealthy Weston family are famous. The most recognizable family member to the average Canadian today is Galen Weston Jr. He frequently appears in commercials for Loblaw grocery stores and President's Choice label foods.