Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Looking for Low a Maintenance Yard

As we age (some of us faster than others), we gradually begin to hate yard work. We soon cannot keep up with the weeds. During the past few years, we give up weed control half-way through the summer. Our beautiful perennials disappear in the tall weeds. And, some of us have young dogs that are poisoned by some of the highly toxic weeds.

Our solution? Total yard renovation. Remove everything, including grass and flower beds, and replace both areas with fresh grass (new sod) and large stones over landscape fabric and crushed limestone rock. It's a bit hard to visualize so I plan to photograph the steps as they are taken over the next couple of months.

Meanwhile, look your last at the trees and shrubs and weeds seen around my grey Ford Escape in the picture above. They'll soon be all gone.