Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bending ...

I gave up trying to go against the Google Chrome grain. I've signed back in and I've found some ways to avoid excessive ads on my pages, all this is so that I can post comments on the blogs of friends and relatives. I missed those direct communications.

In my last post, I gave some information on our current Winterpeg weather. I should have mentioned that some poor souls still have to work outdoors in this dreadful weather.

Think of the drivers of snow plows and side-walk machines. Think of all those people clearing their driveways. Think of those people manning the pumps at gas stations. The list goes on.

Fortunately for us, we have a driveway clearing service. It's not cheap but it's sure worth it, especially this winter with the blowing snow and frigid temperatures.

We were lucky to be able to go out and get some groceries today. We were low on fresh vegetables and fruits. Happiness is a well-stocked larder!

Todays News from the Winnipeg Free Press

"The good news is there will be plenty of sunshine in southern Manitoba the next few days. The bad news is Environment Canada forecasts below normal temperatures. For today, look for clear skies and a daytime high of -25 C. This morning, wind chill values are in the low -40s. And the ugly news is the situation will get worse before it gets better. Monday through Thursday, Environment Canada is calling for high temperatures to reach only into the -25 C to -29 C range with wind chills around the -40 mark. On Friday, the daytime high will get 'warmer' at -19 C. The normal high for this time of year is -13 C; the normal low is -23 C".

All I can say is "brrrrr!"

Monday, December 23, 2013

Your Posts are Being Read

Since blocking Google cookies on my PC, I've lost the ability to comment on the blogs of family and friends. It's frustrating but it minimizes an increasing number of unsolicited ads popping up on my computer. Just note that I read and enjoy all of your posts. If I must comment on something, I will email my thoughts to you.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas is Coming

Just think, a week from today and both Christmas and Boxing Day will be history. It makes you wonder what all the fuss is. Then, you realize the fuss, in my case, is all for the grand-kids. What a pleasure it will be to see their eyes light up as they open their gifts. Hopefully, I'll be able to capture that excitement in some photos.

This Sunday, the 22nd is Greg's birthday. He'll probably have to wait until Christmas Day to get his birthday gift from us. I think he's used to the slight delay. Happy Birthday, Greg, if you read this before we see you.

I'm amazed at how many Christmas sale flyers have been stuffed in my mailbox over the past couple of weeks. Some of the sale items are tempting. They'd be even more tempting if I had a vehicle and extra cash right now. Maybe, in January, a suitable vehicle will turn up. However, I can't say there will be any extra cash.

I've not written many blog posts lately. I have no excuse. I've been spending too much time on YouTube, learning more about cooking, wood carving, and bushcraft. Researching such topics is fun. One video quickly leads to another. Then, you realize the day is nearly over. You promise yourself that tomorrow will be different. But, it rarely is. Oh, well, life is to be lived moment by moment.

If this is my last post before Christmas, I wish all of you my best for happy and healthy times ahead.

Sunday, December 8, 2013


As any of you know, I post most of my photos to my Flickr page. Today, I reviewed some of the statistics for my photos. It seems one of the most popular of my photos is of the one called 'kittens'.

I was amazed to find it has been viewed 2727 times since I posted it, a couple of years ago. The photo was actually taken in September, 2003, over 10 years ago.

Cuteness counts, at least when it comes to kittens ...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Happiness is ...

... being married to Margaret. Today is our second wedding anniversary.  Hopefully, we'll celebrate many more years together.  This weekend, as we did last year, we'll be going out to dinner somewhere special.  And, just a word of thanks to all of you family members who have supported our life together.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bits and Pieces

I said goodbye to my Escape today, at the MPI compound. It was by far, of all the vehicles I've ever owned, my favourite. In the blink of an eye, it was totalled last Saturday.

Most of the bits and pieces from the front end are tucked in the rear compartment.

Now, I have to find a replacement for my vehicle and start all over.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Stupid Driver

I did something stupid last weekend. I totalled my Ford Escape in an accident. I was at fault. Fortunately, I was the only one injured and they were not serious injuries. Now, I'm starting to look for a replacement vehicle. MPIC has written off my Escape. Thank goodness for car insurance. Someone told me that this is a terrible way to get a new car. I couldn't agree more, especially because I really liked my vehicle. Life goes on ...


I was going to write a post about uni-tasking ... starting a job and keeping at it until it is done.  However, I got doing something else and started bouncing from one thing to another, forgetting to write this post.  I guess I'll never be like my cousin Barb ... sigh ...

Sunday, October 6, 2013


More shopping today. This time at Costco. We discovered that, if you get to the store at 10:00 a.m., you can get your shopping done before the crowds arrive. It's a lot easier on nervous system.

We usually go every 2-3 months and stock up on the staples. Important stuff, like Kuerig Columbian coffee K-cups, DentiSticks dog treats, mixed nuts, steel-head trout fillets, pre-cooked beef roasts, chicken flings, jugs of milk, paper towels, etc., etc. The car is much heavier on the trip home.

Once home and unloaded, we did a couple of hours of yard work. It was a great day for it, sunny and a little warm. This time, we tackled the Virginia creeper all along one side of the house and along one fence.This summer must have been perfect for that plant. You could sit and watch it grow. Anyway, it's all pruned back. Next summer, we'll have to maintain better control of it.

And, the day's not over. This evening, we're off to Celebrations Dinner Theatre, to enjoy "Elvis and the Las Vegas Hangover".

You do remember Elvis, don't you?

A Trip to the Candy Store

Yesterday, we made a trip to the Candy Store, AKA Cabela's. Of course, there are other candy stores in Winnipeg. For example, Canadian Tire and Scoop and Weigh.

But, Cabela's is unique. Like going to Costco, you go in looking for a couple of items and end up making a bunch of other, unplanned purchases.

I'm just glad I'm not a hunter. There were hundreds of them (men and women, most of them in camouflage clothing) in the store today, buying all sorts of expensive hunting gear and clothing. I do fish occasionally but I stayed out of the fishing section. I'll wait until next spring for those treats.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Back to Beaudry

Yesterday, we took the mutts back to Beaudry Provincial Park. As usual, while Marg walked Holly and Mollie, I honed my photo skills.

I got a few images that I was quite happy with. The first few were of tundra swans (the first time that I've seen them fairly close), Canada geese (ho hum), and blue-winged teal (beautiful birds). Some of these images have just been posted to my Flickr photostream.

Here's a sample:

Then, I went on to photograph some commonplace plants, trees, shrubs and berries. Nothing special because I've done them many times before but still satisfying.

Call Before You Dig!

Those words are stated again and again by our provincial hydro people. I'm sure every province says the same thing. You often see this warning in an insert, enclosed with your hydro bill.

Well, this afternoon, a hydro technician is coming to flag the underground hydro and cable lines for us as we (and the company we hired) near the start of replacing our back fence. I'm not expecting any underground lines back there but it pays to be sure.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Peace and Quiet

We rented a fully equipped, modern cabin at Riverview Lodge on Eleanor Lake in Whiteshell Provincial Forest for a few days this past week, hoping for some peace and quiet, away from Winnipeg.

We had Cabin 9. You can take a virtual tour of our cabin by going to

It was perfect for us and our two mutts. Right on the rocky beach of Eleanor Lake, we sat for hours watching the waves and the wildlife passing by. Lots of gulls, Canada geese, loons, Canada jays, ravens, northern flickers, chipmunks, squirrels, a huge painted turtle, minnows, and even a small sturgeon.

With the cabin facing west, the sunsets were beautiful. Even the morning light on the lake was nice, especially one morning with the mist drifting across the lake.

I've begun posting some of my other photos on my Flickr page if you're interested in seeing them.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Every Day is Special ... Follow-up

I won, I won!

Actually, my suggestion that May 24th be named 'Winnipeg Start Daily Fogging Day' came in third. But I scored tickets to a Celtic Thunder concert that's coming to Winnipeg in September. Thank you, Doug Speirs!

Who's Celtic Thunder? As you might guess, they're an Irish singing group (something like the more flashy Celtic Woman group but mainly men). See:

Happiness is ...

Monday, July 29, 2013

Interesting Weekend

Saturday, we got up early and drove over to the local farmers market to see what was on offer. There were many vendors selling fresh vegetables and we loaded up. I photographed some of veggies (see my Flickr page ... link upper right of this page). We saw some unusual vegetables like this one:

Some of our purchases were used to prepare a buffet birthday dinner for Margaret's older sister, Cathy. The Holmes' and Aunt Lil came for the buffet. Cathy seemed to enjoy the celebration.

Margaret always enjoys having her family over for dinner.

Aunt Lil, from Carman, seemed to enjoy her visit here.

Everyone enjoys a time on the deck swing.

So, an interesting weekend, all in all.

Happiness is ...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Every Day is Special ...

... to some one. Doug Spears, a Winnipeg Free Press columnist, wrote an especially funny piece today. See

He reviews many of the silly days that are celebrated in North America. For example, today is National All or Nothing Day. It is also National Coffee Milkshake Day, National Aunt and Uncle Day and National System Administrator Appreciation Day.

He goes on and on, mentioning other recent wacky days that are celebrated. He even has started a contest to create our very own special Winnipeg-centric day. I just know someone will suggest May 24th be "Winnipeg Start Daily Fogging Day", in answer to our annual plague of mosquitoes.

In fact, I just sent him an email to that effect!

Crazy old entomologist, but happy ...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The early bird gets the worm ...

This morning, I was up at about 4:30. Coffee in hand, I went out into the garage to begin my morning ritual of reviewing the images just posted on Flickriver. Inspired by some of them, I got another coffee, figuring I wouldn't be going back to bed any time soon.

It was getting light out now, so I decided to open the garage door to air out the desk area. When I did, I heard a whooshing noise.  Looking up into the now blue sky, I saw a CTV hot air balloon moving fairly fast. I grabbed my camera and took some shots before it disappeared.

Now that I was really up, I went on to photograph some of flowers in my flowerbeds. Those, I'll soon tweak in Photoshop Elements and post to my Flickr page.

Happiness is ...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Photographing Flowers

I do a lot of this these days. Recognizing that summer is short in our usually frigid country, I try to get out at every opportunity to make some more images of flowers. Its often hard because it has been so hot and muggy lately. We've had extreme humidexes for what seems like weeks.

I've uploaded some of my better shots to my Flickr page (see the link at upper right of this page). This is one I haven't added yet:

I know that, in a few months, I'll be complaining about the cold weather. Hopefully, there will still be photographic opportunities, even if they are not as colourful.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Jillian Day 2013

On July 1st, I used to celebrate the birth of our country. Now, I also celebrate the birth of my grand-daughter, Jillian. Sure, Canada is 146 ears old now. But, Jillian is two!

The party, organized by her parents, grand-mother and aunt was great. The outdoor water slide was the most popular attraction, followed by the kids pools.

Soccer attracted both the kids and adults.

Myself, I enjoyed all the great food, including the birthday cake.

And, in case you're wondering, no, we couldn't stay up for the fireworks!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Goodbye Buddy

Another nice evening out and a great way to start the long weekend. We attended a show at Rainbow Stage, out in Kildonan Park, after supper at Sushi Park. The show was called "Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story".

The show covered the time from his difficult entry into Rock and Roll until his untimely death in a plane crash, as an international star, just 18 months later.

Jeff Giles energetic performance as Buddy Holly (as well as the supporting cast) last night was exceptionally good. It was well worth attending with my good wife, Margaret.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hecla Island

We spent an enjoyable weekend, complete with our dogs, at the pet-friendly Lakeview Resort on Hecla Island. This island on the west shore of Lake Winnipeg was an Icelandic pioneering site originally. Now, it's a provincial park. But the Icelandic heritage is still present, especially in Hecla Village.

For me, the main attraction was photographing the American White Pelicans that spend the summer there.

This is just one of dozens of images I made. Some I've posted to my Flickr page, if you'd like to see more. Just click on the following link:

Happiness is ...

Friday, June 21, 2013

Singin' in the Rain

Last night, we received over 2 inches of rain in about 4 hours. It seemed to be a torrential downpour at times. Luckily, our basement didn't flood. Those of many people in our area did. The storm sewers just couldn't handle the deluge.

We often get storm warnings during the summer, like this from last year.

Last night, we got a severe thunder storm warning, followed immediately by the storm.

We are supposed to get more thunder showers over the next few days. Hopefully, we won't see as much rain as last night.

Although some of our streets were flooded last night, thank goodness, we didn't get the sort of flooding that's occurring in southern Alberta.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

There's always at least one clown ...

Last night, I attended a kids' soccer game in the country. I was the unofficial photographer for the grand-kids' team, LaSalle United. My daughter asked me to take a team shot and then shots of individual team members.

Eventually, I did get one shot of the entire team looking at the camera. The shot above is one of the many out-takes where almost everyone was looking somewhere else or hamming it up.

The individual shots were almost as challenging. At least I only had one person to get looking at the camera.

But, we all had some fun together and that's what was important.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

If it's not broke ...

... don't fix it. Applies to many things in life, but not the roof of our house. Today, we're getting ours re-shingled even if it's not leaking. The shingles have grown old, especially on the south side of the roof.

So, I'm house-bound today, along with two frightened mutts. Holly's not too concerned but Mollie is scared stiff.  I think she's hiding in one of the closets right now. Same as when they dropped the packages of shingles on the roof the other day.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy said “the time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”. Well, the sun is shining here, thank goodness. So, the roofers are happy. Me, too.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Best of Friends ...

... Reunion.

Some unknown sage said you don’t need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you can be certain of. If you were a fan of the TV series, Best of Friends, you'll enjoy the latest show at Celebrations Dinner Theatre, 'Best of Friends Reunion'.

I was fortunate to attend the opening of this show last Friday evening. Great story, singing, and dancing and an equally wonderful cast. Not only that, the 4-course meal was the best I've ever had at this theatre.

Happiness is ...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Dandelion Heaven

Officially, the common name dandelion (from the French dent-de-lion, meaning "lion's tooth") is given to members of the genus Taraxacum. Like other members of the Asteraceae family, they have hundreds of very small florets collected together into a composite flower head.

We just refer to them as "those damn dandelions"!

We spent a fun hour or two yesterday digging them out of our flower beds and our small garden patch. That put a dint in their numbers but there are plenty more to remove yet. The problem is that, if a small portion of their tap root is left in the ground, they will regrow quickly.

There is, of course, a chemical solution to this problem. But, I reserve my remaining 2,4-D for an pebble-covered area along side the house where there are no other valuable plants that might also be damaged. And, with the coming ban on yard chemicals, it won't be an option much longer.

Dandelions are very adapted to lawns.  Ever notice that they only grow high enough so that they won't be cut off when you mow your lawn.

Those damn dandelions!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

June is bustin' out all over ...

Oscar Hammerstein wrote the song, later included in the musical, Carousel, produced by Rodgers and Hammerstein. The film version appeared in 1956. See the  following link to relive this time (it's about a 9 minute clip of amazing costumes, and singing and dancing):

Here, in my flower beds, June is also busting out all over. I spend an hour or so this morning, photographing some of the beautiful blooms and blossoms around the yard. I'll be uploading some of the images to my Flickr page over the next few days.

Happiness is ...

Friday, May 24, 2013

The May Long Weekend

Winnipeg is usually very quiet on the May Long Weekend. Those who have a cottage or camp site often leave early from work and head out of town. Obviously, the traffic is light and shopping is easier for those of us who remain in the city.

The weather this weekend looks good. Cool and partly sunny for the most part, just the way I like it! That will make some planned yard work easier. Tonight, we're off to see a show at Celebrations Dinner Theatre with members of Wow Hospitality's head office staff. The show is called "Johnny Be Goode".

Happiness is ...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cook's Tour

As an amateur cook, I had a great afternoon today. After our usual stop at Charleswood Library, we headed over to "Scoop & Weigh" on Taylor, east of Kenaston. This store sells all the special needs a budding cook could ever want  (in addition to dozens and dozens of chocolate-coated goodies ... ever tried white chocolate-curry-coated cashews? ... to die for!). I bought various nuts and chocolates, including some sugar-free ones). I also found a citrus zester, a garlic peeler, a chopper-scraper, a cookie cutter, and pure sesame oil (not the water-downed version that you buy in supermarkets ... that stuff is diluted with soybean oil). There were dozens of other gadgets that I saw and wanted but I was satisfied with today's haul.

Next, we headed over to La Grotta Mediterranean Market, also on Taylor. Featuring meats, fish, cheeses, baked goods, vegetables, fruit, and dozens of other ethnic foods, it's a great place to shop. It was very busy today because of Mother's Day. Tortes were just flying off the bakery counter (the larger ones were $45!). We managed to avoid the cakes and pastries but did buy a couple of their loaves of bread. I also got some fresh vegetables for tonight's dinner. Our only weakness was for some of their gelato flavours, pistachio and mango. Well, I also picked up some mango ice cream that they make but the container was so small it didn't really count as a weakness.

Happiness is ...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Snow Almost Gone

The long winter is finally over. A little snow drift remains on the north side of house but it should be gone by days end when the forecast temperature reaches 26 deg. C. Just yesterday, it hit 25 C. It is so nice to be able to sit out on the deck with the dogs and bask in the sunshine.

Yard work will be easier this year. There will be lots of pruning to do but the first full clean-up (collecting leaves, road sand, lawn aeration) will be farmed out to the good folks who did our snow clearing this past winter. After the pruning, I plan to re-stain the wooden deck furniture (two tables and 8 chairs). Some summer projects will be contracted out. These projects include fence and deck repairs, new deck steps, eaves-trough and exterior window cleaning, and roof re-shingling.

Happiness is ...

Friday, May 3, 2013

Spring Fever

Ever had 'spring fever'? Mark Twin may have summed it up best when he said "It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! ".

We've waited a long time for the coming forecast warmer weather. Imagine. We'll be enjoying temperatures in the low 20s next week. Seven days of sunny skies. Of course, that's assuming the forecast is accurate. Manitobans will believe it, if and when it happens.

Optimistically, I'll be going to the garden centre to pick up my seedlings. I may have to move them in and out of the heated garage every day but I want to start my garden so much that my heart just aches!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day

According to Wikipedia, May Day is celebrated in some parts of the Province of British Columbia. The honour of having the longest continually observed May Day in the British Commonwealth – since 1870 – is claimed by the BC city of New Westminster.

I can attest to that event during my juniour high school days.  For several weeks before, high school students were made to learn how to dance around the Maypole. The most well known symbol of May Day is the maypole. The custom of dancing around the maypole is supposedly an ancient fertility rite. Whatever. All I remember is that my rebellious friends and I tended to play hooky on those days. We considered it rather childish.

We would usually go down to a secret location on the banks of the Fraser River.  There, we had a long, thick rope which we used to swing out over the river and fly off the end. Not having our swim suits with us, we'd make do with our underwear. It was a lot of fun.


Ever watched dandelions grow? They don't appear until you mow your lawn. Then, they're everywhere. My grand-kids grow fast between visits. The Kleenex box is always full until you really need a tissue. My dress-up clothes always fit until I have to look nice for a night out.  The car is always fuelled up until I'm late getting ready and I have to drive out to Carman for an appointment.

Change happens fast. It happens when we least expect it. One moment the coffee cup is full and, the next moment, it's either empty or cold.

While you're not paying attention, you've grown older and lost your elasticity. Your kids have matured, married, and now have their own kids.

Now, those damned dandelions are back, thicker than ever, and you're seriously considering hiring a lawn care company.

I'm learning to welcome change with an open wallet ...

Winter Wonderland

Imagine, if you can, waking up to a white yard on May 1st. Yes, we had freezing rain and snow overnight. Not much snow really but too much for this time of year.

Fortunately, according to the long range forecast, warmer weather is on the way with temperatures in the low teens on the weekend and in the low 20's after that.

Living where we are, we will get long summer days with up to 16.5 hours of day-length that will make up for the long winter and spring.

We do have crocuses in bloom already with daffodils and tulips on the way. They should flourish when the warm temperatures return. I can hardly wait!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Pain in the ...

... back. Nasty times when you walk like a duck, your lower back in pain. I've tried various medications with limited relief. Time and rest seem to be the best medicines. Usually, it takes a week or so before I start to walk with ease again.

I rarely get back aches. I haven't had the problem for years but, this year, I've had it twice. I blame it on my relative inactivity over the winter months. My health problems really started with a severe cold/flu, just after Christmas. Many Manitobans suffered this ailment this winter.

Now, I've started walking outdoors again. Short walks to be sure but I've started. Soon, I hope to get out to some of my favourite photography locations and resume using my camera. Maybe this weekend when the temperatures are supposed to reach the high teens. The end of the longest winter I've ever experienced seems to have come to an end.

Happiness is ...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Lucky Me

My cousin Barb just posted on her blog about 'luck'.  See her blog at  The post was entitled 'What is luck?  Are you lucky or just hard working?'  Like most of her posts, it made me think of things and events in my own life.

Four years ago this month, I started this blog with a favourite quote:  "don't push the river … it flows on by itself … happiness is letting the happenings happen".  That was when the longest relationship in my life had recently ended.

One of the most important happenings that happened was the beginning of my friendship with Margaret, a woman who worked for me in the Research Section when I was City Entomologist.  Was it 'luck' that I moved into Winnipeg, less than a block from where Margaret lived?  Was it 'luck' that we both were walkers and dog lovers and met walking our mutts on a nearby trail in early March, 2010?  Was it 'luck' that we eventually married on 3 December 2011?

No, I don't think I was 'lucky'.  I think we were blessed.  The night before we were married, I included a quote in my blog post: "True love stories never have endings" (Richard Bach).

Happiness is ...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Just Desserts

Everyone loves to have a special dessert after their meal.  Too often, though, by the time we've finished our meal, we're too full for dessert.  One way around this, if you're with your significant other, is to share a dessert.

If you're diabetic, just make sure you choose a dessert with lots of nuts in it.  It'll be a little easier on your blood sugar levels.

One of my favourite desserts at home is part of a Russell Stover 'no sugar added' bar of milk chocolate with almonds.  It contains a couple of artificial sweeteners.  Be sure to read the fine print where it warns that these sweeteners can have a laxative effect on you!

And, remember, they're just desserts ...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spring Forward

Daylight Saving Time (DST) resumes at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 10, 2013 in Canada.  It will end on Sunday, November 3, 2013 at 2 a.m.  The phrase "Spring forward, Fall back" helps people remember how DST affects their clocks.  "Spring Forward" affects us as individuals also.

Some people complain that DST affects their health, mood, and body clocks, and that their sleeping patterns are out of synchronization with natural photoperiods.  Studies into these effects have been contradictory and confusing.  Fortunately, most people adjust to the time change after a few days or within a week or so.  I just like the fact that it is another sign of our coming spring.

Seems to me that this is also a good excuse for having an extra cup of coffee on Monday morning, before trundling off to work.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

International Women's Day

On March 8th, we will celebrate International Women's Day.  Many countries across the world will honour women for their contributions to our society.  The focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women's economic, political and social achievements.

In some countries, the theme follows that suggest by the United Nations.  This year, the UN theme follows the idea of "a promise is a promise: time for action to end violence against women".  Men and boys are encouraged to stop violence against women and girls.  We can only hope for the best.

At the very least, we, as men, should take time this Friday to express our love and appreciation to that special woman in our lives.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Happiness is a Choice

The words in the title of this post are often quoted.  They have been attributed to many people but their true source is not really known.

Certainly, Aeschylus (the ancient Greek dramatist and playwright known as the founder of Greek tragedy, 525 BC-456 BC) was correct when he said "happiness is a choice that requires effort at times”.

Many times, I've researched the meaning of happiness.  Almost every wise person that has ever lived has tried to explain what happiness means to him or her.  I ended up being more confused than ever in this research topic until I realized happiness is like a multi-faceted gem stone.  It appears slightly different to each person, depending on their point-of-view, the time of their life, and their situation.

Happiness just is ...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Time for the First Post of 2013

It's been over a month since my last post to this blog. That's the longest I've ever gone without posting something here. My excuse? I was sick with a flu/cold bug for two weeks. It's a common bug, making the rounds throughout southern Manitoba and probably other parts of Canada. Now, that's history. Then, I had a week or so of severe back pain. That's almost history also. Not the greatest excuses, I know.

Now that I'm feeling a lot better, I expect you'll see more posts from me in the coming weeks. I did get out for an evening once, during the last month, with Margaret, to see the opening of the latest Celebrations Dinner Theatre show, "My Big Fat Winnipeg Wedding" on January 18th. It's a spoof on weddings and comedy films about matrimony. The actors for this show were great with their dancing and singing, as is usual for all CDT shows. I'm looking forward to seeing it again at some point.

So, keep watching this page for further updates from 43 Carbutt Place ...