Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas is Coming

Just think, a week from today and both Christmas and Boxing Day will be history. It makes you wonder what all the fuss is. Then, you realize the fuss, in my case, is all for the grand-kids. What a pleasure it will be to see their eyes light up as they open their gifts. Hopefully, I'll be able to capture that excitement in some photos.

This Sunday, the 22nd is Greg's birthday. He'll probably have to wait until Christmas Day to get his birthday gift from us. I think he's used to the slight delay. Happy Birthday, Greg, if you read this before we see you.

I'm amazed at how many Christmas sale flyers have been stuffed in my mailbox over the past couple of weeks. Some of the sale items are tempting. They'd be even more tempting if I had a vehicle and extra cash right now. Maybe, in January, a suitable vehicle will turn up. However, I can't say there will be any extra cash.

I've not written many blog posts lately. I have no excuse. I've been spending too much time on YouTube, learning more about cooking, wood carving, and bushcraft. Researching such topics is fun. One video quickly leads to another. Then, you realize the day is nearly over. You promise yourself that tomorrow will be different. But, it rarely is. Oh, well, life is to be lived moment by moment.

If this is my last post before Christmas, I wish all of you my best for happy and healthy times ahead.


  1. Yes Christmas can create a lot of fuss. But the adults make the magic happen for the children and now the grandchildren. In return some of our childhood magic returns to us. Not only are you Papa to your wonderful grandchildren but the Papa photographer-who needs Santa afterall! So on Christmas day there will be some magic happening in Winnipeg!!

  2. Happy Holidays! Enjoy those days....if you're having fun, then it's not a waste :)
