Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tired of Winter

It's so cold here in Winterpeg ...

... when will winter end?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Here comes the Sun ...

"Here Comes the Sun" is a song by George Harrison from The Beatles' 1969 album Abbey Road.

… "Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right…
Here comes the sun" ...

I usually begin my day with a good cup of coffee. By the time I finish my first cup, I'm ready to talk coherently and see my good wife off to work.

They say the days are getting longer and, maybe warmer. Today is certainly warmer and the short-term forecast is for even milder temperatures.

Happiness is ...

Keeping Track

"I'm not writing it down to remember it later, I'm writing it down to remember it now". That's the slogan of Field Notes notebooks by
Although I always seem to be writing notes to myself, I sometimes let things I 'need to do' go undone.  But the notes certainly help me.

My favourite place to make notes in this digital age is Evernote. It's a wonderful tool to record all sorts of information, photos, and ideas. You can use the Evernote app on your iPhone and it automatically synchronizes to your Evernote on your laptop or PC. It's one of my best software packages I've ever used. Although I'm retired, I imagine it must be of immense benefit to anyone with a hectic lifestyle. There's a free edition but I bought the premium edition with it's extra features.

It's my way of 'keeping track' ...

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Families are Forever

Those three simple words have been promoted by the Mormons for decades. Families (and everything that is associated with them) are an underlying principle of their church.

Our families go back at least as far as we can research them. Different churches have kept track of births and deaths in their jurisdictions, enabling family historians (or genealogists) to trace our roots. Immigration officials have also archived the arrivals of our ancestors into North America. Similarly, our military has archives of documents about our soldiers. Even some of our newspapers have searchable archives.

Sometimes, our family members have kept daily journals.  All of these sources can be rich mines of information.

The internet is a rich source of tools for family historians. Some are free; others have fees attached.

If you have a family historian, you should make sure you pass on information to him or her about the births and deaths of those closest to you.  Information about their occupations, marriage(s) and anecdotes about their lives, in addition to photos, would also be appreciated.