Monday, June 3, 2013

Dandelion Heaven

Officially, the common name dandelion (from the French dent-de-lion, meaning "lion's tooth") is given to members of the genus Taraxacum. Like other members of the Asteraceae family, they have hundreds of very small florets collected together into a composite flower head.

We just refer to them as "those damn dandelions"!

We spent a fun hour or two yesterday digging them out of our flower beds and our small garden patch. That put a dint in their numbers but there are plenty more to remove yet. The problem is that, if a small portion of their tap root is left in the ground, they will regrow quickly.

There is, of course, a chemical solution to this problem. But, I reserve my remaining 2,4-D for an pebble-covered area along side the house where there are no other valuable plants that might also be damaged. And, with the coming ban on yard chemicals, it won't be an option much longer.

Dandelions are very adapted to lawns.  Ever notice that they only grow high enough so that they won't be cut off when you mow your lawn.

Those damn dandelions!

1 comment:

  1. The little weed we love to hate! With the ban on yard chemicals already in effect in the GTA, the sides of roadways and highways are abundant with this pesky flower.
