Monday, March 4, 2013

Happiness is a Choice

The words in the title of this post are often quoted.  They have been attributed to many people but their true source is not really known.

Certainly, Aeschylus (the ancient Greek dramatist and playwright known as the founder of Greek tragedy, 525 BC-456 BC) was correct when he said "happiness is a choice that requires effort at times”.

Many times, I've researched the meaning of happiness.  Almost every wise person that has ever lived has tried to explain what happiness means to him or her.  I ended up being more confused than ever in this research topic until I realized happiness is like a multi-faceted gem stone.  It appears slightly different to each person, depending on their point-of-view, the time of their life, and their situation.

Happiness just is ...

1 comment:

  1. I like the Greek guy's synopsis saying it is a choice to be happy. The same way it is a choice to be a miserable person. No one can be happy all the time but like he said making an effort. Like not feeling like going out to a social event, but going brings an effort and behold there may be some enjoyment. But like you said- happiness just is... allows for room to grab it when it comes our way!!
