Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Trip to the Candy Store

Yesterday, we made a trip to the Candy Store, AKA Cabela's. Of course, there are other candy stores in Winnipeg. For example, Canadian Tire and Scoop and Weigh.

But, Cabela's is unique. Like going to Costco, you go in looking for a couple of items and end up making a bunch of other, unplanned purchases.

I'm just glad I'm not a hunter. There were hundreds of them (men and women, most of them in camouflage clothing) in the store today, buying all sorts of expensive hunting gear and clothing. I do fish occasionally but I stayed out of the fishing section. I'll wait until next spring for those treats.

1 comment:

  1. It's fun to shop and then retreat home. Seems like you had a great time!
