Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Ever watched dandelions grow? They don't appear until you mow your lawn. Then, they're everywhere. My grand-kids grow fast between visits. The Kleenex box is always full until you really need a tissue. My dress-up clothes always fit until I have to look nice for a night out.  The car is always fuelled up until I'm late getting ready and I have to drive out to Carman for an appointment.

Change happens fast. It happens when we least expect it. One moment the coffee cup is full and, the next moment, it's either empty or cold.

While you're not paying attention, you've grown older and lost your elasticity. Your kids have matured, married, and now have their own kids.

Now, those damned dandelions are back, thicker than ever, and you're seriously considering hiring a lawn care company.

I'm learning to welcome change with an open wallet ...

1 comment:

  1. Just don't let the change fall out! Some people say that older people have trouble with change! I beg to differ. The longer one lives, the more adaptable we have to become. Change like you said happens! Perhaps that is why we all find something we love and refuse to adapt. I like cream in my coffee and that will never change!
