Saturday, May 29, 2010

Just Another Saturday Morning at Mosquito Flats

Lest you think this blog has turned into another cooking blog, I won't write about food for awhile.  I'm too full after yesterday, anyways.  I feel a little lethargic this morning because of all that I ate for supper yesterday and because I haven't had a good long walk in several days.  That will change this morning.  After this second cup of coffee and I get ready, Holly and I are heading down the Harte Trail, hopefully before it starts to rain again!

It is a relatively nice morning so far, no rain yet and the birds are singing outside my window.  The other sound, less pleasant, is my sump pump running every few minutes, as it keeps up with the ground water seeping into the basement sump.  It's fairly obvious to me that this house was built over an underground stream or atop a low, wet area.  Oh, well, on the bright side, I'll never have to deep water the trees here.

I have no great plans for this weekend.  One difference will be that I'll be accompanying Josi and the boyz on a 5 km fun walk tomorrow morning.  It's part of the 2nd Annual Canadian Air Force Run.  Greg is doing the half-marathon race.  The event is to raise money for needy military families.  It's good to do things with family.  It's also good to keep active and busy while I wait for other things to happen in my life.

Now, at 8 a.m., I'm ready to go for a walk.  I planned to leave at 8:30 this morning for the trail.  Now, I don't know.  We're now having another thunderstorm, with pouring rain.  Normally, thunderstorms don't bother me.  Indeed, I usually love watching them move through.  They add some drama to an average day.  But, when they interfere with my walks, for several days running, I get a little angry.  And, this storm has a little hail mixed in, not at all good for my flowers in bloom.  There's nothing I can do about the weather but I must do something about how I react to it.  My plan?  Wait awhile for things to calm down and dress for a walk in the rain.  So, Holly and I get wet.  Big deal ...

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