Saturday, June 19, 2010

Another Day Passes

Yesterday came and went.  We were deluged with rain again.  The weather has limited what could be done outside.  The rain and wind has also been hard on the flowers in my yard, especially the blooms on tall stems, like the irises.

Holly and I (me dressed up in my rain coat) did a few short walks in the neighbourhood today.  Some of my neighbours see me head out in the rain with Holly and just shake their heads.  I'm sure they must think I'm crazy; maybe, they're right.  Our walks the past couple of days have not been long enough for our liking but at least we have gotten out.

In the evening, I went over to Mike and Tasha's, to help Mike with his garage renovation again.  We finished sheathing the interior walls.  I'm slowly paying him back for all the times that he has helped me.  I don't do that much, just lend an extra pair of hands when needed, sometimes a word of advice.  I'm proud of all the work he's doing.

It's very early Saturday morning now.  I had plans for today but they got changed.  I'm learning to adapt to seeming constant changing circumstances.  Is this what 'they' mean when 'they' say "let the happenings happen"?  Perhaps, it's just as well the plan changed because the forecast for sunny skies also changed: to cloudy with occasional showers.  Now, the forecast is for a sunny tomorrow.  Here's hoping ...

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