Monday, September 6, 2010

Life without Home Internet Access

I found it amazing to discover how many of my routines were disrupted when my router died a few days ago and I was suddenly without my normal Internet access. Sure, there were lots of “work a rounds”. I still could use my Blackberry to go on the Web, get my email, and even chat on Messenger. Not that I like working on all those little keys and forever fixing my mistakes in spelling. I could also use Margaret's setup at her home. Or, if I was desperate, I could take my laptop to Starbucks and access the Web there. But, those weren't my routines.
So, I'm trying to adjust to this new life until my son sets up my new router. That may be awhile because he's at the cottage this long weekend and he'll have to find some time to come over and do it later in the week. Why didn't I do it? Well, I tried. All I did was manage to screw everything up. You see, I have this thing with routers. I've gone through several of them over the years and not one could be installed by me. Mike always had to come to my rescue, to find and undo all my mistakes in my abortive installations and then to install hem properly. You'd think I'd have learnt by now.

So, the routines have been disrupted. No sitting down any time that I want, over a cup of coffee, to review or add to my Flickr, my Facebook, or my blog pages. Sigh ...

On the positive side, I can spend more time organizing my life, catching up on housework, and even weeding the flower beds. Not to mention dozens of other things that need to be done. The trouble is, they're not my routines. Double sigh ...


  1. Hope your router is fixed soon. Routines help us get through the day. Besides lots of depend on your updates. Keeps us connected.

  2. Typo- lots of us depend on your updates. I type faster than I think sometimes.
