Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Last Scent of Summer

I really enjoyed looking at this cluster of Michaelmas daisies, off the end of my deck, all this week.

The bees love them, too.  They have so few sources of honey at this time of the year.                             

Each day, a few more daisies appear.  I have so few other flowers blooming in my yard right now ... these daisies, a few clematis blooms, the odd lily and geranium, and some non-descript other plants.

However, some of the leaves, especially those of the apple and cherry trees and, of course, the Virginia creeper, are gorgeous right now, too.  It seems a bit strange now, after seeing so many different perennials here every day over the summer months, to see so few now.  But, I'm enjoying each day as it comes.

1 comment:

  1. The flowers at the end of the season are more pleasurable as we know the end of the season is coming. Besides with your daisies you can always play- she loves me, she loves me not!
