Monday, September 13, 2010

A New Day Dawns

Many people hate Mondays.  To them, it marks the end of a fun weekend and the beginning of a work week.  To me, a retiree, it's just another day of the week.  I only like the weekend slightly more because I get a chance to visit or do things with friends and relatives more easily.  Otherwise, one day is just as good as another.  Like the past two days, today has dawned bright and sunny.  That's plenty good enough for me.  Now, I just have to decide how I'll spend it.

A small flood of "to do's" comes to mind.  I suppose I'll have to make a list of them and set some priorities for today.  I certainly can't do everything today that I know will be on the list.  I'll have to choose a mix of some "must do's" and some "fun to do's".  And, knowing myself as I do, I'll probably start with the more enjoyable items.  Like writing this blog post (I missed yesterday!) and going through my trip photos to select some for posting on my Flickr and Facebook pages.  The latter will certainly take awhile because there are so many photos to review and organize and some will definitely need editing before posting.

But, first, I'll make another cup of coffee and start that "to do" list.  Like I said, you have to set priorities ...

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see your trip photos.
