Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Good Grief!

It's Tuesday evening already.  I think I was talking about yard work and house work the last time I posted here.  I should have said I was going to 'follow the thread' again because yesterday I was all over the place.  I went to the library (3 books in; 3 books out ... enough to last me 7-10 days, maybe).  Then, I went to my car wash place; it was out-of-order.  So, I still have a dirty Escape.  Home, again, I did the laundry and dishes.  I looked at the vacuum cleaner.  That's as far as I got with vacuuming (same today, for that matter).

Some bills came in the mail so I finally sat down with them and some other financial stuff.  I managed to pay my bills but, after reviewing everything (which took me hours), I was not impressed with my spending habits lately.  Funny, these days, with so many bills paid automatically, that you don't notice how fast your bank accounts are draining.  Well, yesterday, I did notice and so now I'm heading into an self-directed austerity program.  Good thing I have a fairly well-stocked larder.

Late in the afternoon, Holly was ready to be picked up from the groomers.  After I used more of my plastic to pay that bill, Holly practically dragged me out the door.  She wanted nothing more to do with that place.  Back home again, it took her a few hours, quite a few milk bones, and a short walk to calm down a bit.  While I was reading in bed later in the evening, she hopped up and joined me.  It might have been the Cheetos I had on the bedside table.  Anyways, she usually sleeps on the floor beside my bed so I wasn't concerned.  Little did I know then that she had no intention of getting off the bed all night.  Oh, well, you pet owners out there will understand.  You learn to share.

This morning, after yet more milk bones for her and coffee for me, we set off on our usual long morning walk.  Then, she hopped back up my bed and didn't move for a couple of hours.  By which time, it was my turn for a short nap.  She moved to the floor finally.  Later, I melted more plastic at the local Safeway.  There were a few more things I needed for my larder, including my supper and her milk bones.  With Holly, you can never have too many milk bones.

Then, I got a call from a neighbour to come see her flower garden (she saw mine a week or so ago).  Wow!  Her backyard looked manicured compared to my jungle.  I learnt the names of a few more plants and plant varieties.  Well, she told me the names.  I'm not sure I learnt them.  It's funny how many plants I recognize and almost know the names of.  Once I hear the names, I say to myself, 'of course, I knew that name!'.  I have the same problem remembering people's names.  I know them.  I've met them before.  I just can't remember their name.  Anyways, the garden tour was great and it was very kind of her to try to help me.  The extra benefit was that I could put off some weeding in my own yard and vacuuming inside for awhile.

I've been eating fresh, sun-ripened tomatoes all week.  Two potted tomato plants I have on the deck have given more tomatoes than I can possibly eat.  Tonight, I shared the excess with my neighbors (I still have a few on the kitchen counter).  And, I still have at least 18 more green tomatoes on those two plants so I'm not going to run out of tomatoes anytime soon.  If only I had planted lettuce and cucumbers earlier, I could be eating salads every day for weeks (by the way, I'm kind of glad I didn't ... tossed salads aren't my favorite food ... now, caprese salads are different ... I could eat them every day!).

Well, I've written enough for today and I've managed to not have enough time to vacuum again.  Time to go look at one of those library books ...

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