Sunday, July 25, 2010

Building Site Inspection

Josi and Greg and the 'boyz' came by after lunch to pick me up and drive out to their new home site in LaSalle.  It's only about 20 minutes or so away from my place.  Construction started this past week with the basement hole dug and piles and basement wall footings poured.  I was with two very happy young people, I'll tell you!  I took some photos and mad some suggestions for continuing to record each phase of the construction ahead.  I'm very happy for them and advised Josi I was keeping quite a few small shrubs and other plants for them to plant in the fall or next spring once their yard is ready.


  1. How exciting for them. It is always fun to watch your new home being built and to have a Dad as a Gardening consultant!!

  2. we look forward to being at the stage where we are thinking of planting things in the yard! Thanks for all you have offered :)
