Friday, October 8, 2010

Time to Let Go

The Ellis Camp has been in the family for 36 years already.  Five acres of land and an old wooden tent on a small peninsula of Canyon Lake in Northern Ontario.  Mostly granite outcrop but with a fairly thick coating of trees, shrubs, wildflowers, moss, lichens and ferns.  And many, many good memories.

Now, it's time for the old folks to let go of this dream and pass it on to the kids, as we promised them years ago.  Today, Trudie and I will meet with the same lawyer who did the paperwork for us back in 1974 to begin the transfer of title to Mike and Josi.  It seems appropriate.

We hope that the cottage will still be called the Ellis Camp for decades down the road, long after Trudie and I are gone.  It's always been 'a home away from home' for everyone who has enjoyed it and its surroundings over the years, both family and friends.  Long may that continue ...

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful legacy from two fine people to their children! The Ellis camp-love it.
