Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Old versus New

Talking with my son today, he mentioned he's really enjoying his latest 'techno-toy', an IPad.  It's quite the tool: a combination mini-computer-tablet and an IPhone.  Having briefly tried one a couple of months ago, I was salivating for one myself, even though I don't need one.  I used to be known for always having the leading edge technology (computer, printers, digital cameras and video recorders, etc.) in my business.  Those days are gone.  Now, I'm happy with my more reasonably priced digital gadgets.

Considering how we, as consumers, are inundated daily with advertisements for the latest in everything for the home, I thought back to those years before Canada became the nation it now is.  Obviously, it was much simpler in the days of pioneer Canada.  Our desks now are covered in electronic devices and wires leading from them.  We don't have enough places to plug them all in.

In the days when the Hudson Bay Company was active in the fur trade across Canada, it was very different.  Desktops then were covered in stick pens, ink wells, paper, and record books.  If you were fortunate then, you might also have a small library of classic books on or near your desk.  The only lights were candles and, later, oil lamps.

No, I don't yearn for 'the good old days'.  Those days were very hard on people, physically and mentally.  I prefer all the benefits of the time I live in now.  The world is at my finger tips with my computer and I have access to more books than I could ever read, no matter how or where my interests shift.  And, my life can be as simple or as complicated as I want.  Yet, I still like to be able to see, touch, and hold old objects.  Even to owe a few.  Life is very good now ...

1 comment:

  1. I love old objects too- have some antiques and canadiana. Modern technology can blend with all things old- it is amazing that our homes can be eclectic in design. My front hall has a modern mirror with an antique wash stand. Old objects connect us to those who lived before us.
