Thursday, October 7, 2010

Here Comes the Sun

Sigh ...  Another glorious, sunny morning on the prairies.  If I didn't need another cup of coffee before my brain kicks in, I'd already be outside, maybe west of the city, taking pictures.  It looks that kind of day.  But, looking out over the deck into the backyard, just now, while the kettle boiled for my 'second cup', I thought to myself that I might find some pictures closer to home today and get some yard work done at the same time.

Then, I saw the sun shining on this wall ornament on  my deck and I knew that I was right.

Sometimes, you can have the best of both worlds ...

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting the shadows on your coffee pot. Good picture but some symbolism as well. Yes there are always interesting pictures around every corner.
