Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Looking Forward to Seeing My Shadow Again

Holly and I agree: rainy days suck!  Neither one of us wants to venture outside while it's cold, windy, and rainy.  We definitely are fair weather creatures, her and I.  Thursday is predicted to be sunny and, even if it's only going to be 0 degrees, it'll be a pleasant change from this constant rain.  I see a coming resumption of our walks together.  Further contemplation of all this being at the whim of the weather makes me feel like a bit like a weak and spoiled person.  Hmmm ... oh, well.  Maybe, I am.  Or, maybe, it just takes a few days for a person to adjust to less than ideal conditions.  As some sage once told me, 'shake your head and get on with it'.  On the other hand, another sage once told me 'just chill out; you'll get there eventually'.

Maybe, I just need another cup of coffee?  Yes, that's what I need right now!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you cold and rainy is worse than cold and sunny. The damp cold we have here chills to the bone. It's as if we just need to jump in the cold to get on with the cooler weather. Or another cup of coffee sounds good!
