Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Pretty Good Day

This morning, when a took Holly for a "medium" walk, south of Carbutt, we were greeted by a large flock of robins, scattered through Fraser's Meadow.  Although the odd robin had been spotted over the past week, this was the first flock of them I've seen this spring.  It was reminiscent of my years living near Carman, where each spring and fall, such flocks could be seen moving through the acreage.  Such simple things warm my heart and make me glad to be alive.

After our exercise, I gathered up some beef soup, a frozen pizza, and my camera gear and I drove over to Josi and Greg's for brunch.  This was another chance to be with my family ... to share a few hours with Josi and Greg and "the boyz", Mike and Tasha and Katie, and Trudie.  Josi assembled a great brunch.  Before and after, I was able to photograph my grand-kids, once again.  It's something I never tire of doing.  A few of these photos turned out well and, when I returned home, I posted them onto my Facebook page for all to enjoy.

Later, at home, I wandered around the yard, looking at the flower beds, shaking some dead leaves from some of the cedars, and marvelling at how much the tulip leaves had grown in one short week.  Today, the winds were too strong to do any yard work.  Raking the lawn would have been a waste of time with all the old dry leaves being churned around by the wind.  So, I simply looked at everything and planned a few more little jobs.

Every time that I wander through the yard, I think of a few more things that I must do and a few more things that I'd like to change around.  Don't get the idea that I know a lot about gardening.  I don't.  What little I know, I've learned from watching and helping others and from doing some reading.  I have a tremendous amount of learning ahead of me before I will begin to approach the expertise of a real gardener.  But, I'll do my best this summer.


  1. Gardens are wonderful expressions of renewel. It is always amazing that once the snow is gone the flowers pop their heads out of the ground. Gardening is always a learning curve. Sounds like you are enjoying the experience of tending your garden.

  2. I think you will do wonderfully keeping up the garden!
