Thursday, April 8, 2010

Another Day, Much Like Yesterday

I'm feeling better and doing more today.  I even vacuumed out my Ford Escape this afternoon, after doing some grocery shopping and other errands.  I noticed the gravel piling up on the floor mats.  I wish the outside of the Escape was clean too but, every time I wash it, it rains and gets filthy again.  Life is hard.

I'm starting to think about the weekend, as it draws closer.  I'm looking forward to going for brunch at Josi and Greg's and seeing "the boyz" again.  Guess I'd better take my camera along, just in case.  I'm not sure if Mike and Tasha and Katie will be there.  They might open up our cottage near Vermilion Bay this weekend.

I'm starting to get an itch to get outside the city myself these spring days so I may go for a drive in the country on Sunday.  Not sure where yet but I'm considering several possibilities.  Stay tuned ...

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