Friday, November 19, 2010

Turning Stumbling Blocks into Stepping Stones

Every day, we face new problems, especially when there is a lot of change going on in our lives. And, often these problems come to us unexpectedly, sometimes from surprising sources. My problems often come in the mail, maybe an official notice or unexpected bill. Sometimes, they appear as a distressing email. Recently, one came when I was picking up an expensive prescription at the local pharmacy and learnt that, ‘no, you have to pay cash for this medication; it's not covered under your new medical plan’.

Problems can certainly complicate your life. But, instead of feeling distressed about something, one must simply shake their head and start to figure out how to solve the problem. It may take some time to fix a given problem. Days, weeks, months. And, let's face it; some problems cannot be fixed completely, only accepted and worked around, or patched up. The best one can do is recognize that most problems are just temporary inconveniences. You learn from these events and you move on.

Having faced many problems over the past year, I’ve learned one important lesson. There are many good people out there that are willing and able to help you find solutions. Some of these people will help you because they value you as a friend or as a customer; others, simply because they are just good people, have seen the problem before, and know how to find the answer quickly for you. For some problems, of course (e.g., legal, financial), you may have to hire a professional to sort things out for you. But, you rarely have to go it alone.

Happiness is rebounding from the problems you face from day to day.  A positive attitude goes a long way in turning life's stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

1 comment:

  1. Just make those stepping stones really big so you can continue to get as far away from those stumbling blocks.
