Monday, November 22, 2010

Something My Father Gave Me

My dad loved music.  He had a fairly good stereo and loved to play military marches and such music.  When home alone, he cranked up the volume.  He said the volume was high enough only if the windows started to vibrate with the music.  And, he loved bagpipe music.  That love he passed on to me.

I listen to it often.  Usually alone, because not too many people share this love of bagpipes.  Some people (weird, I know) actually hate bagpipe music.  That's their loss, as far as I'm concerned.  Obviously, there can't be any good Irish or Scottish blood flowing in their veins.

I suppose that even I can get tired of the pipes.  I usually over-dose on them and then stay away from them for awhile.  But, I always come back!  One of my pleasures is to discover a band or singing group that includes one or more bagpipe players.  A good example would be the well-known Celtic Women (my all-time favorite Celtic group) and the lesser known Needfire (five rockers and a piper, if you can believe it!).  Then, of course, there are a few bands that feature pipers, like The Red Hot Chilli Pipers.  The other players are just backup.  This group is wild!  They really rock!

And, yes, like my dad, I believe the windows should vibrate whenever the pipers are playing ...


  1. I was at Octoberfest in Kitchener/Waterloo years ago and an amazing pipe band came into the hall belting out music. A good pipe band is good in small doses- even our local parade has the York Region Police Pipe Band. Amazing Grace is usually very emotional done with the Pipes!

  2. What's this "small doses"?

    Yes, a skilled piper playing Amazing Grace can't be beat!
