Friday, November 5, 2010

Just looking, thanks ...

Brooks Anderson, painter and photographer, once said, "the virtue of the camera is not the power it has to transform the photographer into an artist, but the impulse it gives him to keep on looking".

Over the past year, I've resumed my habit of going nowhere without my camera.  For a while, that habit lapsed.  Too much was happening in my life for me to take time to just enjoy myself and my photographic pastime.  I was caught up in so many changes in my life, including retirement, getting rid of the detritus of my consulting business, and moving from the country to the city, that I lost my hold on the things that I enjoyed doing.  The stresses associated with major changes in one's life can do that to you.

Now, I'm back on track, more or less.  I now spend many hours just learning new things (e.g., perennial flower gardening, reading about philosophers), doing new things (e.g., going to plays, musicals, galleries, restaurants), getting out into nature more (e.g., while walking with my dog or with friends), spending more time with old and new friends, visiting with family, entertaining, learning new cooking skills, and so on.

One of the great things about all these activities is that, when I have my camera with me, I pay more attention to what's around me and I look for opportunities to record the slices of life that I see.

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are varied and seem to reflect so many different images. Just keep on taking pictures as I don't know about anyone else, but I really enjoy them. Some are actually quite amazing!
