Monday, November 22, 2010


The same unknown wag who said 'the best cure for insomnia is a Monday morning' probably also said 'people who snore always fall asleep first'.  Regardless, it sure was nice to sleep in a bit this morning.  I, as usual, was up for awhile in the middle of the night when a certain dog of mine hopped up on my bed and started panting hard.  That often signals her desire to be allowed outside.  Perhaps, more often, her desire for some milk bones.  Because I never know which, for sure, I get up and head to the kitchen.  If she's waiting at the deck door, out she goes.  If she's waiting at the end of the kitchen counter, I reach for her cookie jar.  By this time, I'm fully awake and thinking about coffee.  Often as not, I succumb and make myself a cup, retiring to my home office to make my rounds on my desk-top.  After my coffee (and a few more milk bones for the beast), I usually head back to bed, to continue my reading and, hopefully, fall back to sleep.  And, so began my week ...

1 comment:

  1. You and Adolph have the same habits. At least you have a dog that wakes you up.
