Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"So Busy"

How often do we hear these words from people we know?  Everyone seems to be 'so busy' these days.  It makes me smile when I think of that famous anonymous quote, "Leonardo Da Vinci accomplished amazing things ... of course, back then, there were 24 hours in a day".

There are all sorts of reasons why we are 'so busy'.  Sometimes, we don't learn something and have to relearn how to do it, over and over.  Sometimes, we choose the 'wrong' things to work on; we lose sight of the priorities in our lives.  Sometimes, we do more and more because everyone expects it of us.  Then, we get overloaded and get less done.  We often say 'yes' to everyone about everything.  Have we forgotten to say, 'sorry, no'?  I know one of my problems is I have too much 'stuff and things', each of which requires maintenance time, if only dusting and putting putting it away after I use it.  Much of the higher tech stuff also requires that I learn how to use it.  That takes time if only because I'm a slow learner.

There is an old proverb somewhere that says, "to accomplish more, do less".  So, I'm working on that, among many other things, right now ...

1 comment:

  1. Yes there is "busyness" in the world. What I love is when you tell someone you are doing something and they will say I am too busy to do that. I have always believed we find the time to do the things we really want to do. If someone is too busy to do something then it was not a priority. Yes less is more. Focus on the parts that can be finished and go to the next step knowing something was accomplished. Sometimes tasks can be grouped so more does get done. It's the spinning in circles that wastes time and energy.
