Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gratitude to the Farmers of the World

We are so fortunate to live in Canada.  There is so much to be thankful for in our daily lives.  The other day, while at my local Safeway, I was wandering through the produce area, looking at all of the fresh fruits and vegetables from all over the world.

Although we get most of our standard vegetables from Manitoba farms located within one hundred miles of the city, these vegetables are supplemented during the winter from the US, Mexico and several South American countries.  Similarly, most of our fresh fruit comes from these countries and even from several Asian countries.

During the summer, I can go out to the backyard and pick a handful of fresh, sweet raspberries from the garden.  But, now, while the garden is under a foot or so of snow, I can still have a bowl of raspberries and milk for dessert simply by picking up a package at the supermarket.

It's really amazing how lucky we are to be able to purchase the produce from farmers worldwide.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderfully said! The farmers of the world are to be valued.
