Sunday, December 19, 2010

Only six more sleeps ...

... and, it will be Christmas!  All of a sudden, it's almost Christmas.  Wow!  It's really hard for me to believe.  The weeks leading up to now sure went by fast.  It seemed like it was always so far in the future that I hardly thought about it.  At least, I'm ready for it this year.

This week, all I have to do is make sure the larder is well stocked, wrap a couple of small presents, tidy up around the house (actually, that could take some time!), do some baking, and make sure I iron a few clothes for times when people visit and for times when I go visiting.  Hmmm ... maybe, I'm not as ready as I think.

The funny thing is that I know Christmas Day will go by very fast.  I also know that I will eat way too much because there will be so much good stuff around.  That happens every year.  Then, the malls will be teeming with crowds of people looking for Boxing Week bargains.  Remember when the sales were limited to just Boxing Day?  Hah!  I remember when the stores were closed on both Christmas and Boxing Day!

I suppose what I look least forward to is that long January/February stretch of winter when Winnipeg gets extremely cold and experiences one or two serious blizzards.  By the end of March, we'll really be eager for some milder weather and the first hints of spring.

Well, more than enough said ... guess I'll just go and get some sleep now.

1 comment:

  1. You seem ready to me. As long as you just have activities confined to your home and no crowds the jobs will be done quickly.
