Thursday, December 9, 2010


Today, like many days, I spent a lot of time (too much?!) looking at photographs on Flickr.  Maybe, there should be a Flickr Anonymous group for people like me, addicted to looking at images?  I do it because I enjoy it but I know I could be doing more productive things (e.g., making my own images).

All this looking at Flickr images has given me many ideas on ways to photograph 'things'.  Mainly, still life images.  This is an area of photography I've more-or-less neglected over the years but that I now want to involve myself in more.

Still life photography is usually the depiction of a small grouping of objects.  It gives the photographer considerable leeway in the arrangement of design elements within a composition.  It also allows one to play with the lighting on the these elements.  It also means you have to collect and assemble the props you want to use and you have to set them up on an appropriate surface.

If you , like me, have collections of various things, you probably have all the props you need.  I certainly have lots of "things" around the house to use.  I could also make some interesting still life images using fruits, vegetables, or other foods.  Surfaces on which to place these objects are another matter.  I'm still thinking that problem through.

Now that winter is here and outdoor photography is more of a physical challenge, I'm looking forward to making still life images in the comfort and warmth of my home.  And, yes, some of those future images will appear here.  Actually, you've probably already noticed that a few of my still life images have appeared here already.  Hopefully, in the future, I'll be able to post more and better images.


  1. Looking forward to more of your interesting photographic images.

  2. I was just checking out your flickr stuff again yesterday too :) Great shots. I use them as my desktop background at work.
