Thursday, December 30, 2010

Let the dog in, let the dog out

I have a fridge magnet with those words.  At one time, it was funny.  Holly, my bouvier, always wants to go outside and lets me know.  I let her out and go back to what I was doing.  Then, I hear her wanting back in.  This gets repeated many, many times a day.  It's no big deal.  In fact, it's good exercise for me and keeps me from settling in one spot for too long.

But, when you have three dogs underfoot, as I do now while Margaret is away skiing for the week, it can get a little tedious.  Especially when one of the dogs is a 15-year-old deaf, bichon frise that needs watching, even when outside.

It's fun watching the interactions between the three female dogs.  Holly is, of course, the dominant dog here, thinking she owns the place.  Mollie (mostly, a cockapoo) is a bit timid and carefully respects Holly.  If Holly is lying in the hallway, Mollie is scared to walk by her.

Zoie, the bichon, is oblivious.  She walks right by (and, sometimes, under) Holly.  She just tries to get out of the way, if she sees Holly coming trotting along, so she won't get trampled.  Being deaf, that doesn't always work if Holly walks over her from behind.  Mostly, Holly is careful with Zoie.  Maybe, even protective.  She certainly has never shown any aggression towards her.

Holly is more aggressive with Mollie, especially if Holly thinks Mollie is where she shouldn't be.  For example, up on my bed.  That is definitely Holly's territory, or so she thinks.  Once, while I was reading in bed, with Holly laying beside me, Mollie hopped up on the bed.  Holly was up in a flash, snarling at Mollie.  I never knew Mollie could move so fast, getting off the bed.

Happy tails to you ...


  1. You're brave having 3 females in the house! Welcome to Adolph's world when the girls were at home.

  2. hey, if you want we can bring Sasha over for a while....make it 4 ;)
