Monday, March 8, 2010

An Unbroken Bond

Holly, my 4- going on 5-year-old bouvier, and I are well bonded. If I feed her a bowl of tasty food, give her a few milk-bones during the day, and take her for 2-mile walk every day, she has agreed to lick my face when I am least expecting it. In addition, she will sleep on my bed when I am not looking.

This is, of course, as Martha would say, a good thing. I am forced to keep up certain daily routines, I get enough exercise (although Holly would argue, perhaps correctly, that I need at least twice as much walking as I am getting), and I know that, when my pillow reminds me of her, it's time to change my bedding. Sometimes, especially when it has been raining, that is a little more often than I would like!

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