Friday, March 12, 2010

Grass is Always Greener Under the Bird Feeder

Our recent spell of warm weather has been melting the snow fast in my backyard. It's not very deep now at all. There are actually a couple of small patches of green grass showing. One such patch is right under the bird feeder.

Bird lovers can probably guess why. It's partly because of the spilled and broken sunflower seeds that have accumulated all winter and partly because of the friendly neighborhood cottontails (that Holly hates with a passion) that have been feeding on those seeds and leaving their own deposits behind.

Anyways, it's just another small mess that I'll soon have to clean up. This is one job that I'm actually looking forward to because it means "Spring!" is just around the corner. I know, I know. There could be some nasty weather before Spring really arrives but I'm one of those "half-full", not "half-empty" kind of people. I’m still an optimist, despite everything.

That reminds me. Where are my seed catalogues? Except for one short visit to one local garden centre, I’ve managed to restrain myself so far. I don't think I'll be able to hold out much longer though.

Lately, I've been doing scores of web searches on growing different kinds of flowers and vegetables. I’ve also been getting my camera gear ready so I can photograph everything that grows in the yard once more. Looking at those pictures of trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables helps me to get through the long Manitoba winter.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for SPRING :) You can also use our new yard as a blank slate and help us landscape next year!!!
