Monday, March 15, 2010

Alone But Not Lonely

Unexpectedly, I am living alone for the first time in 25 years. At first, the quiet around the house, especially in the evenings and on the weekends, was unsettling and I missed being with someone. It has been a couple of months now and I have adjusted fairly well to living alone. Being on my own has given me the opportunity to find happiness and strength within myself. I’ve discovered a few things about myself that I never realized or thought about too much before. I’m learning a lot now about developing better and closer relationships with other people. My self-confidence and self-esteem has grown daily.

I’ve never been busier. I have more responsibilities now than I had before. There are literally hundreds of small jobs to do around the house. I suppose there always will be. It’s been a steep learning curve, doing some things that I haven’t had to do before. Preparing and sticking to a budget and looking after all the financial details are a challenge.

However, now, I am in control of everything that I do, that I spend money on, and that affects my day-to-day living and future security. In addition, I no longer have to please someone else or feel responsible for making that person happy, not that I should have had to do that before anyways. Thus, my life is a lot simpler but more active now.

I also have a wonderful dog to keep me entertained (and well exercised!). Her name is Holly. She’s a bouvier with a great personality. She’s also very demanding when it comes to her daily routines. She’s training me to provide everything that she wants in her life. I don’t know what I would do without her as my constant companion.

Although I’m alone, I’m seldom lonely. My life is rich and satisfying in many ways. I’m rebuilding my network of friends. In addition, my son and daughter and a few of my closest friends provide me with more love and support than I deserve. I enjoy having them over to cook for them and to entertain them and be entertained by them. In addition, I visit them for the same reasons. We have all become much closer.

I would love to share my life with someone very special again. I miss some things associated with sharing a home and life with someone else but, for now, I am content and enjoying life on my own. I live in the moment. What more could I ask for?