Monday, March 29, 2010

A Busy But Enjoyable Weekend

Saturday started with a brisk walk with Margaret and our dogs. We had lots of good conversation along the way. The dogs seem to be getting more used to each other now, Holly desperately wanting to play with Molly.

Later, I took in the Manitoba Orchid Society’s “show and sell” at the Conservatory. Every imaginable orchid was on display. All sizes, shapes, and colours. Obviously, the participants went to a tremendous amount of work, setting up the extensive and attractive displays. The turnout was quite good, everyone from new growers, like me, to the expert aficionados. The members of the society that I spoke to were very helpful, with some good tips on orchid growing and care. There were many of orchids for sale, one of which I brought home with me.

Still later, I visited my children and families in their homes. While at Josi and Greg’s, I was lucky to get a few more nice photos of Matt and Alex that I later posted on Facebook. Josi gave me a wonderful photo album of photos of her family, taken over the past year. When I got to Mike and Tasha’s, they were just leaving to run some errands so I was unable to photograph my other grand-child at the time.

I stopped on the way home to pick up some ingredients for a chicken stew I wanted to make in the evening. Coming out of the store, I met Renita and we chatted for a little while. That was a pleasant surprise. Home again, Holly needed another walk before I could turn to making my big pot of stew. My home gradually was infused with some great smells.

Sunday was busy, too. After walking Holly, I met Bob and Pat at Kum Koon Gardens for a great dim sum brunch. Getting together with these friends is always a treat for me. They have shared so many interesting times together over the course of their marriage. Over dim sum, we talked about their trip to the Amazon, photography, and gardening. That conversation later continued at their Wildwood home over coffee.

Holly was waiting for me when I got home. I wandered around the yard with Holly, looking at everything and mentally listing all the yard work and minor projects ahead of me this summer. I am really looking forward to it all. After feeding Holly her “supper”, we then went out for another walk. It was much sunnier and warmer by mid-afternoon. I came home to find that I was invited to supper at Trudie’s with the kids and grand-kids. Trudie made us a very nice meal, enjoyed by all. And, finally, I was able to get a few updated shots of Katie.

At home again, Holly insisted on an evening walk and a couple of milk bones before she would let me do what I wanted. I ended the evening and the weekend reading a Swedish mystery in bed, Holly resting on the floor beside me. Who could ask for anything more?

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