Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Water Feature in Basement Still Works!

After yesterday's inch and a quarter of rain (that's 31.5 mm to my kids), I heard an unfamiliar noise coming from the basement last night.  It took me a moment to realize that the sump pump was running again.  We haven't heard it going for months.  It's been so dry here the past 3 months.  Now, the stream that flows beneath our basement is moving again.  I expect the pump will run now, intermittently, until freeze up if we keep getting the occasional rain.  I'll have to check the big cracks in the lawn to see if they've closed up again.  Our sump water gets pumped out through an underground hose to our front flower bed, keeping those flowers, shrubs, and trees well watered (no pun intended).  I suppose all the roots are sighing with relief now. Normalcy returns!


  1. this kid is able to visualize 1.25 inches but would have NO CLUE how much 31.5mm was! totally foreign to me :)

  2. The small pleasures in life. Who would know it would be a functionaing sump pump!
