Saturday, September 3, 2011

Moving into Fall

Sarah Helen Whitman, a poet and one time close friend of Edgar Allan Poe, wrote "when summer gathers up her robes of glory, and, like a dream, glides away".  I can feel that happening here at 43 Carbutt.  After another thunderstorm last night, complete with thunder, lightning, gusty winds, heavy rain, and hail, it definitely feels like summer has left us once again. Fewer and fewer new blooms are appearing in the garden.

On the bright side, the moist soil should make pulling weeds this weekend easier. And, there are lots of dandelions and thistles to remove.  These two common weeds seem to thrive under all weather conditions.  I have neglected weeding this summer, always seeming to find better things to do with my time.  Now, I have no choice because they are embarrassingly numerous.  Hopefully, we'll now move into a long stretch of Indian summer.

1 comment:

  1. Yes ignoring the weeds runs in the family. I tend to like the Fall garden cleanup to the constant pristine look.
