Monday, October 1, 2012

Turning the Pages

I can't imagine a life without books. I remember someone saying it's time to get more books when you've only got nine or ten unread ones left. I used to head to my favourite book store to restock when my 'pile' was getting low. Now, being both more frugal and more voracious in my reading, I head to the library. There are always more mysteries and suspense stories there. I particularly like Canadian and foreign authors (i.e., non-American). And, if I've hit upon an author I really like, there's always inter-library loan to fall back on when I exhaust those at my local branch.

I enjoy reading paper books. I've tried reading books on-line and using electronic readers but they leave me cold. There's nothing quite like having a book in your hand. It always amazes me how few people read. I've met some people who think they're doing well to read one book a year. Me? I usually read at least a couple every week. I'm not bragging. It's just the way I am.

I watch relatively little TV. However, recently, I have watched more than normal for me. We purchased DVDs for the first four seasons of NCIS and, over the last month or so, have gone through the first three seasons. That's an episode every night! Obviously, it's an addictive series. But, I must say that that series hasn't impacted my reading very much.

Happiness is ...


  1. I do not read two books a week- what a feat. I always have a fiction and non-fiction on the go. Like you, I prefer to hold the book in my hands or on a table in front of me. I have favourite spots where I like to read. In the cooler weather with a blanket to keep me warm. I can even knit and read at the same time! Love books. Perhaps I could try the libary thing more often.

    1. The library has saved me lots of money over the years. Occasionally, I wish the book was mine so that I could mark a passage or highlight a quote or even comment in the margins but there are ways around that.
