Monday, October 29, 2012

Cleanliness is ...

... better than dirtiness. Today, we're starting an experiment in house cleaning. We've hired a cleaning service to do, initially, a "top to bottom" cleaning of this old house. Neither of us likes to clean the house. It seems that about the only time we do is when company's coming.

After this initial cleaning by two, hard working women, we'll have one person back, once a month to maintain things. I expect we'll still have to do some cleaning ourselves when we're having guests for dinner or whatever, unless we plan to have them over right after the house has been cleaned.

The funny thing about this event was that, this morning, I tidied up the house for a couple of hours so that the cleaning women wouldn't be too shocked when they came in the door.

Now, me and the mutts are in the heated garage for the next five hours so that we're out of the way. You need not feel sorry for us.  We have drinks and snacks and I have my laptop and radio to entertain myself. I actually spend about five hours a day out here in my garage office anyways.

Happiness is ...


  1. Sounds like a great idea. I know so many people that have cleaning ladies every week that are 1/2 your age! So good for you and Margaret! Here's to the clean house!

  2. HOw did it go? I always think I should do that, but then figure I'd clean up before they get there too and it would defeat the purpose!

  3. Ended up, they did 8 people hours of work. Hasn't been this clean since I moved in. And there were still some areas they could have done more cleaning of. Should have started this a long time ago!
