Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Another Good Weekend

It was another good weekend here. We got out to Beaudry with the dogs on Saturday and Sunday. They love going for walks out there. It was a little busier than usual, with dozens of other dogs being walked by their owners. But, the park is big and there was room for everyone.

I managed to take some photos. Nothing special. I was just learning some of the features of my new little Nikon. In particular, HDR imagery where the camera takes three images of the same scene at different exposures and provides one image with a high dynamic range. It's a good approach to photos with both dark and light areas so that both areas are exposed closer to what the human eye sees.

One fun shot I took was of a trail that crosses the Assiniboine River.

The trail is obviously used only in winter, after the river freezes over. Although I expect it won't be too long before that happens, we are still having some fine fall weather here in Winterpeg. I hope it continues for as long as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I like the reflections in the photo. How much fun to check out a new camera! Retirement does have its perks!
