Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Retail Therapy

Why do we buy stuff? Especially stuff we don't really need. Most people will say they go shopping because it makes them feel good, if only temporarily. Yet that feeling is so fleeting. My daughter-in-law says it comes with a big dose of cognitive dissonance or buyer's remorse. She says you'll only feel great if you buy stuff for her!

This topic reminds me of the famous New Yorker caveman cartoon by Sam Gross, captioned "I'm a hunter-gatherer-hoarder". You can see the cartoon on-line at http://www.condenaststore.com/-sp/I-m-a-hunter-gatherer-hoarder-New-Yorker-Cartoon-Prints_i8472841_.htm.

Of course, if you're retired and on a low fixed income (poor me ... break out the violins), you'll have to get your good feelings some other way. Something for me to think about.

I know! I'll make a slow-cooked pork roast for supper!


  1. You can do low end retail like garage sales! I remember you getting a little therapy recently when you bought a new camera! I think your daughter-in-law is correct- so buy her something! And you will feel good!

  2. Cameras don't count. Good thing she never reads my blog!

  3. I disagree with your daughter-in-law! you can also be VERY VERY happy by buying things for me!! ;)

  4. I knew you would say something like that!
