Thursday, December 29, 2011

Statistics Don't Lie

I just checked and found I've written 550 posts so far and the last one was on Christmas Eve. So, you say, who cares? Hmmm ... not too many people, I suppose. So, nearly a week later, I guess I'll make it 551. I do have a better excuse than usual for taking so long to keep you up to date on my exciting life here at 43 Carbutt.

On Christmas Eve Day (or was it the day before that?), I put my back out.  It rarely happens. Maybe every 10 years or so? But, it's a pain. A stabbing pain in the lower back, especially when you try to move from point 'A' to point 'B'. Think "walk like a duck". I did manage to get through the festivities with hardly a grimace. I don't like to complain in public.

Lots of rest, some liniment, a few glasses of wine and a rum and coke, and many Tylenol 3's later, I'm almost back to normal (pun intended). Statistically speaking, I may even write another blog post before New Years Eve.